Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Robin
Romans 15:13
May the Lord of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
My "Christmas Robin" was a great reminder that the New Born King gives us hope for the new year even when all seems bleak and cold. Spring and healing are just around the corner!
Merry Christmas and God Bless you!
Sent from my iPad=
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Puzzle
As I read scripture about the birth of Jesus I see pieces of another puzzle come together. The Bible is a giant puzzle that fits perfectly together if you have the patience to gather it’s pieces. As I started through Matthew, I highlighted each reference from the old testament. Just as I pick up the right piece of my puzzle and place into the perfect place, prophecy from the old testament fits perfectly into the Christmas Story. Amazing isn’t it? I get so excited as these perfectly shaped pieces, of the “perfect plan” fit together. Everything from the birth and ministry of John the Baptizer, to Mary, the virgin maiden, who was prophesied about hundreds of years prior to the birth of Jesus. I think we all forget that the beautiful story we think about at Christmas time or read on Christmas Eve was not an isolated event but it was that vital piece of the puzzle that brought redemption to us all. Is the puzzle finished yet? No, it will be finished at the return of Christ and then we can fully appreciate the beautiful plan that God set into motion. The puzzle will be complete and we will see fully, things that we only see in part for now. Praise His Holy Name!
In the same way that God has a great plan for the world, he also has a plan for you and me! There will be times when the pieces of our lives seem not fit together, when parts of the puzzle doesn’t make sense but rest assured, there is a plan. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that he has a plan for our life, a good plan that is meant for our good. That means that even though our puzzle is not coming together right now, it will because I think that God is the master puzzle lover and He rejoices as each part of the plan he has for you comes together. God has all the pieces, trust him to show you day by day his plan.
All this took place to fullfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means “God with us”. Matthew 1:22-23
This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the desert, prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him. Matthew 3:3
Whew ! I feel another 1000 piece-er in my near future, how about you?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Golden Scarf!
The King of Kings was born in a stable, not the one that my Nativity set portrayed on it’s glimmering, gold scarf. It was a stinky place that animals stayed in and since the inn was full so probably was the stable. This weary couple may have shivered from the cold as the winds blew through the cracks of the rickety old barn. Mary and Joseph lay down, not on a bed of clean hay but probably a hard dirt floor that was hardly a place to give birth to a baby let alone our Savior. The manger was a dirty trough that was used to feed the livestock, how Mary must have winced at laying her precious baby there. The angels didn’t go to the religious leaders of that time but sang of the good news to lowly shepherds who quickly joined this scene, not smelling all that good either.
Why? He looks so good on my gold scarf, everyone is all cleaned up and looks so good I can practically hear “Silent Night” playing in the background. Why couldn’t he at least be born inside the inn? Why not a warm cradle to lay him in? I guess if the world had been the clean, perfect world that sat upon my gold scarf, there would have been no need for Him to come. If man was perfect, there would have been no need for a Savior. Jesus was born of a lowly maiden in a dirty stable and would die to save us from our dirty sins. As Mary wrapped her new born baby in swaddling clothes she wrapped God’s plan to save the world.
Don’t worry, my Nativity still sits on the gold scarf I haven’t brought in stable “dirt” to make it look realistic but I will never look at it the same. This perfect baby came down to an imperfect world to die for our sins. Why? Because he loved us so!
Luke 2:1-7
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.(This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Not One of them Missing
I love pre-lit Christmas trees! What’s not to love? You pull them out of the box and WOW instant light. No untangling strings of lights, or wrapping miles of lights round and round the tree. They are always perfectly positioned each branch evenly lit. They are great…. until those lights burn out and that is where I am this year. I got one of my tree up, plugged it in waited to see the perfectly lit tree only to find it was only partially lit up. I tried and tried to find the bad light that kept the others from lighting. Evidently peer pressure is rampant in Christmas lights, one does it and the crowd follows. I even bought a tester gun to make it easier. With my husband and I testing everything that didn’t twinkle, a little red tester gun, and new lights to change out the bad lights we worked steadily for two hours and tested 1000 lights. Each light that we replaced we waited for it to be the one that would cause our tree to explode with light but with each light we were more and more frustrated. Finally, we had tested every light with no success, I felt like a failure. One little light and with all my powers I could not find it. As I pined for my perfect tree I remembered a scripture that I just loved. It was Isaiah 40:25-26.
“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one is missing. Isaiah 40:26
I love this scripture for many reasons but I love the part that says “not one is missing”. I think God was driving his point with a little humor. Don’t you love it?
I couldn’t help but contrast myself, who couldn’t find one lost light less than and inch long with He who created the starry hosts and called each one by name without even one missing. How often do I forget how powerful our creator really is and how often do I try, in my frailty, to do things on my own without trusting Him who has “great power and mighty strength.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Right Under My Nose!
Have you ever looked for something for hours and have it right under your nose? That just happened to me. It was a gift I had wrapped for myself to open this month. I carefully wrapped it in pretty Christmas wrapping and put it away for safe keeping, which usually means it will be so safe I will never find it again. This morning I looked everywhere, I looked in the Christmas decorations that have been brought in to assemble in their traditional places, I looked in closets, storage areas and even under the beds. I tried to remember if I had given it to someone, but since it was so special, I wouldn‘t think so. I was almost ready to give up when I decided to pray about it. I went to a closet that is in the guest bedroom and looked again but my eyes were not seeing it. Finally I found it, I had looked at it so often through the year that I had stopped seeing it or appreciating it. I tugged and pulled until it was out. The Christmas wrapping looked as beautiful as the day I hid it away. I tore open the package as if I didn’t know what was in there but I did know. It was my favorite Nativity set. I always wrap it in Christmas wrapping to remember that God gave us the gift of his son to be our savior. Why had I not seen it in there? After I put it in there I began to over look the wrapping that was so beautiful, I forgot what was in the box, I piled other things on top of it, I took the gift for granted until I drug it out for Christmas. Oh, Lord may I never take your gift of salvation for granted. May I never fail to recognize the beauty that comes from you, help me never forget how much I appreciate my family, may I always give thanks for what we celebrate at Christmas and never let me be tempted to hide your gift of salvation away to bring out only at Christmas time. Let me tell the world the good news of your coming! Joy to the World the Lord has come!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
"The King of Caulk"
I don’t mean to boast but I just saw the king! I see him every fall! He shows up with his loaded gun blazing and with a determination in his eyes. Who is he? He is who I lovingly call the “King of Caulk” (my husband). He inspects every inch of this house for cracks, crevices and holes that cold air could possibly get through. With blood in his eye he pulls his gun out and shoots those holes full of Caulk! Menards is his favorite place to buy his ammunition. When they see him coming, they hide the women, children and the caulk because the man can clean the shelves in a matter of minutes. If we were invaded with caulk-loving aliens from space and all the caulk was pulled from our house, I am sure it would fall to the ground in a heap. But….I don’t mind the caulk because the cold doesn’t gets into our house when the winds howl and the snow blows. So I look forward to these annual “King of Caulk” sightings.
Just like this drafty old house, doubts can creep in through holes and crevices in my spiritual life. I pray and pray for something or someone but no answer, in blows doubt that my prayers will ever be answered. I prayed for healing, but I am still sick, “where are you, God?” I ask for strength, or peace or even hope to no avail, swoosh can you feel the cold air of disappointment? How can we head off these doubts and feelings of disappointment? With spiritual “Caulk” the word of God, TRUTH! The truth will not only set you free but will plug those holes that lets doubt come in. Shout them out as the devil tries to whisper “it’s no use”. As his icy finger points to you and says “you aren’t worth God’s time” give him a shot of “caulk” like “God so loves the world (me) that he gave his Son to die for me and loved me though I was unworthy. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” try that one! Gather truth as ammunition against the icy winds of doubt. Fill those holes with His truth and let Christ keep you warm as those winter winds blow. The King of Kings can fill you with peace, hope and even joy.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
As I sit here in our warm home I am thankful for the love of my life and“King of Caulk” with his mighty caulk gun but I am more thankful for the King of Kings and His might word that fills those holes of doubt and gives me hope.
Praise the Lord God Almighty!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
He Served
He was a farm boy from McLean, Illinois. When I hear stories about his childhood he reminds me of a young Tom Sawyer character. They tell of his love of fishing that continued through out his whole life. He had more fish tales than anyone I know and most was true. He had a sling shot that he fashioned himself and became so good at flinging the little rocks he picked up, that the whole town talked about it. As he sat with a few old fellows that was hanging out in front of the country store, one of them bet him a nickel that he couldn’t shoot the hat off the guy walking on the other side of the street. He drew back his little sling shot, squinted one eye and let go. The hat went flying and he came home with a nickel in his pocket. He told how he was playing with the barn cats that was forbidden by his father because the cats hung around the back door if they got even a slight invite. As he heard his Dad coming home, he tried to shoo the cats back to the barn with no success. He had to think quick, so he decided to take drastic measures. He grabbed a dull ax and hit each of the cats on the tail and sent them howling back to the barn. It was always a puzzle to his Dad that all of the cats had tails that were perfectly straight accept for the tip that seemed to dangle like a flag waving from a pole.
This little boy grew to be a man and was called up to go to war. It was during WW2 that he left his little country home to fight in a foreign land. This war torn country once could have resembled his home in Illinois but now there was only destruction. He was captured in the Battle of Tunisia in Africa and was a prisoner of war in Germany. This broad shouldered man of large stature dropped to 135 pounds as he ate soup made of greens and who knows what else. During his twenty six month captivity his mother and father both passed away and two brothers suffered from shell shock.
He was considered missing in action for months but was finally freed after the war and was shipped home. His family was gone, the family farm had been lost and he was left to start his life anew.
He became a Railroader working for the Illinois Central Railroad. He loved fishing and hunting and was even known to make a few sling shots. He married Verna Camp and raised three sons and a daughter, that daughter is me. He was my Dad and I honor him today for fighting and suffering to keep this country free. God Bless America and those who gave their all to their country.
He found the Lord later in life and attended church as long as his health allowed. He now is at home in heaven and I am sure he has a fishing pole in his hand and maybe even a sling shot.
Jeanie (Tyson) Nihiser
Daughter of Thomas Marion Tyson
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Crazy Charlie
Charlie, to be honest, was always a yolk short of being an egg! He got his start as sort of project. At the time, my daughter Christa worked in a home for Developmentally Disabled adults and decided to take an egg from one of our hens to incubate. They all watched in amazement as the egg slowly hatched and out popped Charlie! He was cute and cuddly for awhile, but Charlie soon turned into an unruly rooster and was brought back to us to live with his own kind. The only problem was Charlie didn’t fit in. He was always mad and would flog anything that didn’t run from him. I once seen him flog a sponge that we were using to wash the car, the concrete duck frequently was the object of his wrath, not to mention anyone who dared to turn their back on him. After awhile his name was changed to “Crazy Charlie” which fit perfectly. Crazy Charlie didn’t go by rules, Charlie assumed that he knew best and wouldn’t go in at night with the rest of the chickens. I would often find him huddled in the dark and would have to pick him up and put him in the coop with the others. Charlie thought he knew best but what Charlie didn’t see was the danger that lingers in the dark. You see, coyotes roam around here looking for such prideful chickens as our Crazy Charlie. One night I forgot to put him away as was our nightly ritual. I was relieved to hear him crow before dawn that morning. Charlie had his own timing, so he would always crow before daylight just to let the world know he was up and was still mad. I went back to sleep, glad that Charlie had made it through another night. Evidently a hungry coyote heard Charlie crowing and took that prideful crow as a call to supper. Poor Charlie was never to crow again. I wish I could have warned Charlie of the dangers out there, if I could get it through to this “dumb cluck” that I was only thinking about his good. Since I didn’t speak chicken I was helpless. If only I could become a chicken for just a minute I could explain to this hard headed “bird brain” how to keep himself from becoming dinner for some hungry coyote. But Charlie thought he knew best.
I think we all have a little Charlie in us. We strut around in our own pride, in our own strength daring anyone to tell us that there is another way. We crouch in our own darkness becoming a ‘sitting duck” for the enemy. The Bible says the devil roams around like a hungry lion searching for whom he can devour. What better prey than someone who tries to do everything on their own and sit in the darkness of their own pride. Jesus became man so he could talk with us. He wanted us to know that we didn’t have to do everything in our own strength. We don’t have to be in the darkness but He said “I am the light” He came so that none of us would perish but have life eternal. He loved us so much , even us “dumb clucks” that he came to be one of us so he could warn us of the devils plans and bringing us into the new light of His salvation. Thank God He didn’t give up on this “chick”.
Poor Crazy Charlie, I will never hear a rooster crow that I won’t think of him and tell the tale of this angry, tough old rooster who knew it all, who wanted his own way and paid a dear price. May the Charlie in all of us rest in peace!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Got the Keys!
As my heart was breaking for this family and the pain they are going through because of the loss of this dear mother, I remembered what my daughter posted on Facebook this morning. It said “Got the keys to our new home, we will be moving in sooner than we thought”. Hallelujah! One day this “old house” we live in now will be traded for a brand new house. Jesus tells us he is going on ahead of us to get it ready for that day. We never know when we will be moving in, it might be sooner than we think. Enjoy your new home my sister in Christ, you got to move in sooner than we thought! How brief is our lives, how quickly the years go by but sooner or later, if we love the Lord. we will too get the keys to our new heavenly home!
Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and my life is fleeing away. Psalm 39:4
I am here on earth for just a little while Psalm 119:19
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Display of His Splendor
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3
As I look back on my writings I have had a several thoughts about trees. I told the story of a little tree that was scarred by fire but because of it’s deep roots continued to lift it’s branches to the sky. I told also of how my Weeping Pine tree, that hung over my porch, was spared because of a surprising beauty that emerged after the crowd of trees around her was cut down. The picture that I displayed is of a beautiful walnut tree with it's fruit still hanging from it's almost leafless branches. I write about trees because I love trees, they are beautiful to me as they bud in the spring but also as they stand leafless through the fall and winter. Graceful branches against the backdrop of the winter skyline truly displays His splendor.
Many places in the bible, as in Isaiah, compares believers to trees planted by God. I know that if someone compared me to a tree I wouldn’t be too happy. If you think of it a tree is thick, rough and usually old. I remember a shirt that my mom wore on her sixtieth birthday that voices this it said “60 isn’t old….for a tree!”. If you look farther into the structure of a tree you realize that the tree has roots that reach far into the earth. I have read that a tree’s roots are usually as deep as the tree is tall. Those deep roots are able to take in nutrients and water that makes the tree strong enough to weather many storms and bad weather. If you cut a branch off of a tree you can actually see what has happened in the life of the tree. If the tree had a good year you can see that the tree branch grew that year but if the year was bad there was less growth which is indicated by rings that were closer together. There is not much that can topple a tree, though it is battered by weather, disease or pests so no wonder God plants us as the display of His splendor.
Sometimes we listen to satan’s lies that tells us we are damaged goods! God could never look on us as a mighty oak let alone a display of his splendor. But if you read Isaiah 61:1-3 you learn that our Sovereign Lord came to bind up the brokenhearted, give freedom to captives, comfort those who mourn and give them the spirit of praise rather than the spirit of despair and then we will be called “oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. That gives me hope as I look at how life can batter and scar each of us. Praise God I am still A Display of His Splendor!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Ghosts and Gobblins in the Dark!!
This time of the year reminds me of Halloween time years ago. Our oldest girls, the twins and Christa who were probably six and eight wanted to go to the Haunted House in our town. They begged and begged until we decided to take them. While my younger girls and I sat in the car Larry took the girls to the spooky haunted house. He told them over and over that it wasn’t real, that it was just there to scare people and that it was all just for fun. Brave, determined and anxious they waited for there turn to go through the darkness to see whatever awaited them. Everything went fine until the first scary creature jumped out at them and then the screaming began. They grabbed their Dad by the legs, hands or anything they could grab. He was laughing so hard he could hardly pull them through and at each assault of another ghost or gobblin they begged even harder to go back. Larry still laughs at how they clung to him in the dark to the point he could hardly move.
As I thought about this I thought about how I often feel I am groping in the dark trying to find my way. Life jumps out at me when I least expect it and scares me to death. You probably have had those same things happen to you also. The boss says I can’t afford to keep you during the uncertain times, that much dreaded diagnosis of cancer suddenly becomes your reality or a relationship that you had counted on comes to an end. You take baby steps because you cannot see what is up ahead as the darkness engulfs you. Like the haunted house it seems that when one scary monster jumps out in our life he is followed by another and another. I don’t know how that happens but it does seem to come in bunches.
I love the scripture I read in Isaiah today it described how God is our Light.
Who among you who fear the Lord and obeys the word of his servant? Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. Isaiah 50:10
I like what “The Message” says “you who are groping in the dark” Trust God and Lean on God!
The next verse in that same chapter is very interesting as well! It describes how often we try to light our own torch to see where to go instead of leaning on God or trusting God. I am guilty of having just enough light to cause myself great worry! What if this happens or that happens what will I do. Instead of grabbing hold of the one who actually knows what’s on my dark path I struggle on my own and strain to see with the dim light of my own understanding.
I am glad that I have a heavenly Father who knows my path and gives me just enough light to let me take one more step so that I can trust him to take me to the end of my darkness and into His light!
Save me for I am yours. Psalm 119:94
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
You are Mine!
In Isaiah 43:1 the Lord says…
He who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you O Israel; “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name you are mine.
Later in vs. 4 he says:
You are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.
Too many times we take for granted our connections with people as well as with God. Just think of it, He who created you, O Jacob as well as He who created you “O Jeanie” and He who created everything that there is, says “you are mine”. I’ll have to tell you, I don’t mind being a name dropper. Hey, anyone who will listen, I am God’s child. He knows me by name, he knows my every thought and I am precious and honored in his sight. Hallelujah I am His!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Rolled Up Pant Legs
As God from heaven looked upon his children he could see that they were suffering from sin. So he sent Jesus to roll up his pant legs and step into our cold world. He suffered what we suffered and enjoyed what we enjoy. He grimaced with a belly ache but smiled over the newness of a puppy. He understood temptation, he knew what it was like to get angry. He celebrated weddings and grieved at funerals. He had a mom and earthly father, he had siblings and all that come with family life. I’m sure he had aunts that kissed him when he didn’t want them to and uncles who wrestled with him. He got splinters in his fingers from the carpenter shop and on occasion, I’m sure, he hit his finger with the hammer. He came to our world knowing that he would have to die for our sins but he did it because of his love for us. He became a mere man so that we could see the love of the father.
My kids have grown up now so Larry doesn’t need to sit knee deep in cold water but many times I know he and I wish that life could be as simple as it was then. As parents, we still want to climb into our kid’s world and cheer them on. As much as we would love to bring them comfort nothing could compare to seeing the Heavenly Father roll up his pant legs and sit down to comfort His children as only He can.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Have You Been to the Mountain?
Poor Moses! He was called by God to go up on Mount Sinai and get instructions about how life would be for the Israelites after leaving the slavery of Egypt. While he was gone, the impatient Israelites got tired of waiting for him and took matters into their own hands. When Moses came down the mountain, he found a bunch of heathens dancing and worshiping a golden calf. God had written his commandments with his own hand on two tablets but after being in the very presence of God, Moses lost his temper and threw the tablets down and they broke into pieces. How could this happen? He had worshiped, sang hymns, praised God in a way that few had ever done. Yet, when he left the mountain and returned to the same problems that he had left he became angry as most of us would have. He had to deal with the same difficult people, he was appalled once again with the sin of the people, and the hope and peace he felt while on the mountain was gone.
I know how he felt, I just left a most wonderful place myself! It was my time with God. I found love there and I found a peace that surrounded me. I was warmed by the hope written in His Word and was propelled to move forward in God‘s strength. I find him there every morning when I am enveloped by the safety of His presence. I love to read about being in the cleft and covered with His hand, that he is my refuge and my strength. I love to think of myself flying as an eagle and not getting tired. Boy could I use that promise! I would love to stay there. The only problem is, I have to come down from the mountain. When my stay on the mountain is over the house still needs cleaned, difficult people are still difficult and I still get discouraged and frustrated and want to run right back.
Well, that is just what Moses did, he went up the mountain again. God wrote on the tablets again and again Moses made that trip back down the mountain. This time when he came down he was glowing and all the people noticed and knew that he had been with God. The Bible says that after that, every time he talked with God he had that same glow.
When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. Exodus 34:33
I don’t know, but I think Moses decided he was not going to descend the mountain again by himself, he was going to bring God down with him. He wanted to share the power of God, the love of the Father and to show everyone that he had been with Jehovah.
I don’t want to leave God on the mountain either, I want people to know that I have been with God. I don’t know that I want to glow as Moses did but I definitely want to share with everyone what God writes, not on tablets, but on my heart. I want others to know the love of God, the peace and joy that can surround us even in times of trouble. I want everyone to know that the cleft that he covers with His hand is made for all of us to take refuge in. Hallelujah the God of the mountain is still the God of the valley.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Forgiveness is Amazing!
Forgiveness oh how sweet! I remember back when the kids were all little and at times I would be overwhelmed and get grouchy with them. It was that last argument, that last spilled drink, it was a bad attitude (besides mine) or a smart answer that put me over the edge. After the day was over and things settled down, I would always regret losing my temper or being impatient and would say before the kids went to sleep “Mommy’s sorry I was so grouchy today” and out of the bedrooms (Walton style) I would get my answer in unison “That’s okay Mommy, We love you”. My husbands apologies were much like mine but he would add “you are good girls” and again in unison “you’re a good Daddy” Wow, from the mouths of babes!
If only it could be that easy when we grow up. If only from the bedroom I could hear, it’s okay, I love you. Actually, I still do that, I say God forgive me for my bad attitude, for my quick tongue or even disobedience and the quick reply is I forgive you, I love you, my child and you are good. To that my reply would be… you are my good Heavenly Father! I praise your Holy Name! Thank you!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Colorful Cast of Characters
Sometimes I have a hard time writing! I think I have to be clever (try at least) and optimistic and I want to send the positive message of Christ and his love so there are days that I feel I cannot write on my blog because my feelings are far from optimistic, my heart is heavy and there is no dancing in my soul. At least that is what I thought until my daughter shared with me about her favorite singer. This singer, like me, has chronic depression. My daughter explained that she can feel her pain in her songs but even better she hears the hope in the Lord that she also possesses and relays through her music. I should know this since the Bible is a collage of people who is, at times, down trodden, discouraged, defeated and depressed. There are those who suffer, not only physical pain but mental pain also. If they would all end up in the office of some unlucky therapist, you would find a very colorful waiting room. This cast of characters would include of course King David also Jeremiah would be there using up all of the tissues with his weeping and for sure Paul would have to explain the problems he has with that pesky “thorn in his flesh”. How about poor Peter, who after promising Jesus his life, denied Him three times. I know Job would be there trying to figure out why he would curse the day he was born.
If you want to catch up with King David you could take a tour through the Psalms. Many times he tells God of his pain, his hurt, his regrets and the fear that was at times his constant companion. Yet, David in Psalm 42:11 says “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” Jeremiah 8:18 says “God, you are my comfort when I am very sad and when I am afraid.” (this comes from the “cry baby” prophet!) Job lets his crazy friends know that no matter what he would always put his hope in God. I love to read in Job chapter 12 that Job told his friends to pipe down that they didn’t know everything. Peter was given hope when Jesus told him that when he returned he should help his brothers and Paul says in Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. I also like Isaiah’s take on things, he proclaimed in chapter 40 that those who have hope in the Lord will receive fresh strength, they spread their wings and soar like eagles. They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind.
So you see if you are afflicted in any way or downcast or are afraid or like me depressed we sit in good company with God’s faithful, his colorful cast of characters. Their words have brought hope to millions down through the ages. Not with their perfect life in a “perfect world” but with the same problems that you and I share and we too can have the hope that prevails all through scripture. Go ahead don’t be afraid to tell others of your afflictions, weep if you need to but always proclaim the hope we have in Jesus Christ! Don’t be afraid to be you even if you fit into this colorful group!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Gifts from God!
Today I washed my windows and found myself happy and sad. Happy when I found tiny little finger prints on the window but sad because I miss the one who put them there. A few weeks ago my daughter Missy, her husband John and my sweet granddaughter Jenna came for an unexpected visit. For two days of their visit we stayed home, relaxed and watched Jenna be Jenna. It was wonderful seeing how she had grown and become such a little lady. We laughed when she bopped us with her head as a sign of affection, that according to Missy, she learned from their cat. We read her books over and over again making funny faces and loud noises to see if we could get her to fall over laughing which she did quite easily. Whenever the door was open her little hand went in the air as a sign that she wanted to go outside and we were more than willing to give her that wish. We all laughed as she ran and explored to her hearts content. She brought us flowers, sometimes dead ones, leaves and sticks. She laughed to see the dogs run past her with lightning speed and she
pointed to the cats who also joined the fun. The picture is still in my mind of her running, and watching those sweet red curls blowing in the breeze. Jenna and her parents even stood in the towering corn, that was well above the head of her 6’5” Daddy. We watched her every move, to the point, that she counted on her “fan club” to be watching and would check to see if we were watching and we were. As I relived those few days, my thoughts went to my heavenly Father and how he is so anxious to give to His children, to you and me. How he must enjoy watching us and being our “fan club”. Matthew 7:11 says that if we with all of our faults can give good things to our children how much more will our Heavenly Father give good gifts to us.
I am so thankful for what God gives me but I need to think of him more as my loving father and my best fan. As I receive good gifts I want to think of his broad smile and adoring eyes. As Jenna looked into the faces of loving parents and grandparents, I need to know that the Lord looks upon me with that same kind of love but even more so.
To be honest, I left a few of those finger prints just to remind me of that wonderful time spent with this beautiful family and the fun we had with our sweet Jenna! Children and grandchildren are surely one of those gifts that our Father happily gives us and smiles as we enjoy His wonderful blessings. Thank you, Father!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Out of the Miry Clay!
Most people would tell you that I am not the adventurous kind. Even as a kid, I could not wrap my mind around the idea of getting on a ride to get a thrill. The only thing I got from those rides was “scared” and sick. Fun? No! Mind you, I am not proud of that fact because I would have loved to have fun being scared but I didn’t have it in me. I would venture to say there is not one daring bone in my body and if there ever was it is well hidden in the ever-accumulating fat that I carry these days. I do recall a time when I was a “dare devil”. I know, that is not at all like me but I must share this story with you. When Larry and I were younger we used to go canoeing on the Current River. I actually loved it though it could get a bit scary if someone stood up and rocked the little canoe. I enjoyed the scenery and usually had others from our group to enjoy the ride with us. On one of our trips we came upon a cave that housed a spring of water that fed the river. Several of us went in to take a look and a few even jumped into the water. It was a welcome change from the sultry hot day on the river. Suddenly something came over me! I decided to jump in! Wow, the crazy woman in me came out and I made the plunge. I quickly became aware of the temperature of the water, it was so cold that it took my breath and I know my heart stopped. My life passed before my eyes and my first thought was “Why”? Why had I strayed from my life long path of cautiousness and sensibility? Why had I not at least started small like a ride on a Ferris wheel or even a Roller Coaster. It seemed I was under the water forever and when my head came up all I could see was not concerned spectators but laughing fools! If you can imagine, huge nostrils, big exaggerated smiling mouths and the hideous sound of horrible, jerring, laughter that‘s where I was. I think my brain had frozen and I struggled to awake from this horrible nightmare! Before I could say a word I slid on the slimy bottom and again went into the icy abyss! Again I tried, only to see the same audience that was clearly having fun at my expense. I raised my hand to let someone know I was in trouble, only to slip again. My thoughts then went to the idea that I was going to die as I time after time slipped on the slimy edges of the pit. I knew that unless one of those gawkers got the clue that I was going down for the third time I would die there in that slimy pit. Finally I felt a big hand of my husband reach for me and I was able to get to a firm place so that I could stand again. Between lots of giggles, I got apologies for not recognizing the fact that I could not get out. How could they know that I could drown in four feet of water? I have told this story many times and have giggled as well at my one daring incident and my "rescue" from the pit.
I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.
Psalm 40:1-3
Have you ever been in the slime and mud? I know I have been. Sometimes that can mean you have sin in your life and you have to ask and trust God to pull you out of the miry clay that keeps you in the pit. The Bible says he is faithful to forgive you of your sins and free you from them. Other times we can be in a spiritual rut and need to be rescued from the dark pit that you have found yourself. There are times that even those closest to us do not see the difficulty we are in because we are too embarrassed to tell anyone of our struggles. I have spent time in that place and as I struggled to get out on my own it was futile. All of the will power or determination could not help me. As I struggled to get my feet on solid ground, I would slide backwards, even more discouraged than before. Only when I was desperate enough to hold out my hand to the only one strong enough to pull me out did I feel solid ground beneath my feet. He set me on the rock of his salvation and again I could walk with Him. Are you struggling alone? He is waiting to give you his hand!
Well, since that day I avoid all pretense of being a dare devil, I am very content to say “NO” to daring and “YES” to cautiousness (or cowardliness)! Being a “chicken” becomes me and I am sticking with it.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Born and Born Again!
Forty years ago today I became a Mom! I wasn’t prepared for the love I would have for this precious little girl. This gift that God had given us was more glorious than Larry or I could have expected. A man, who was a bit stingy with “I love yous” could hardly say anything else, a habit that has continued to this very day. We immediately thought she was beautiful, even with the cone head that she kept for a few days. We were a bit relieved when her head went to a normal shape and a perfect little blond head replaced it. This little wonder was really ours and there is not a more frightening or more precious thought. We brought her home to our one bedroom apartment, that we would soon out grow, but for now it was heaven as our little family settled in. Her Dad would hurry home from work just to hold and play with her, while a harried though happy Mom shared every little detail of my day with him.
We were married the year prior to her birth and my practical and wise husband announced that we should go to church regularly because he said “families seemed to do better if they went to church”. I don’t think either of us really understood the importance of that decision in the beginning. We didn’t grasp that we would meet Jesus and bring him into our home as well as our hearts. By the time Christa was born we had already accepted Christ as our Savior and Christ now was the center of our lives, that is why we named her Christa because we loved that Christ was in her name. As we, baby Christians ourselves, read children’s bible stories to her we learned right along with her. When we told her of the “big fish” that swallowed Jonah, we were just as awed as she was. When she bowed her tiny head and folded her hands in prayer we could not have been more blessed. Oh, how like God to think of the joy that children would bring to us.
I was to have the privilege of having and raising more children and seeing grandchildren born but it all started forty years ago today. As I ponder this day, and all that God has done in these forty years I am amazed and so grateful. I was told a few days ago by one of my kids that if I had not had so many kids I would have a lot more money and to that I said “no amount of money would I trade for the joy that has been mine for these forty years.”
Our Christa Leigh has grown into a beautiful woman now with children of her own and now she reads bibles stories to her daughter and she watches as she folds her hands in prayer. Christa continues to be a blessing to us and I stand amazed at the God and the child that came into our home and hearts so many years ago. Through many years of prayer we have seen miracles in her life and we thank God for her good health and her love for the Lord.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Hug From God!
How big is your God? My sweet granddaughter Riley who is five years old knows how big God is. The other night while praying for someone she loves very much, she asked God to take care of her and make her better and give her a big hug. As she continued in prayer she must of thought about how big God must be and added “hug her tight but not too tight, so you won’t hurt her”. I would love to get into her 5 year old mind. Was God as big as the sky she looked up into? Did all of the stars and the moon reflect his big arms? She must have known that he is a loving, “hugging” God. She knew that as she looked into the sky that her Aunt NeeNee was looking also into the same sky seeing the same stars and moon and praying to the same great big God. Did it occur to her that God is everywhere? All I know is that in Riley’s mind he was loving enough to give a big hug, but still strong enough that maybe she should warn Him not to squeeze too hard.
Many times in the bible we are asked to believe as a little child. Do I realize how big God is? Do I understand his power, do I always know that he is loving enough to hug me but powerful enough to answer my prayers?
Jesus, however, invited them: "Let the little children come to Me, and don't stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16
Monday, July 26, 2010
Resurrection Lily
My heart was as heavy as the humidity that hung in the air as I started the mower and headed for the field. Just a few months ago, the spring air and the hope that it brought filled my heart. As spring “sprung” my heart filled with the awareness of the goodness of God and even mowing was a joy. The birds sang as they set up housekeeping to raise their families, new plants came up right on time in such exquisite colors to brighten the earth and my days as well. I went out to my “prayer chair” with great expectancy as if searching to see what spring perennial had poked it’s head out for the first time. My spirit soared as new truth came out of God’s word. The warm breezes were like whispers from God himself to my heart. My whole being was full of praise, I could hardly contain it.
What had happened to those days I wondered? My mower bumped over the hard ground, dried and cracked by the heat. Some of the grass had succumbed to the conditions of the summer so there were bald spots and the only thing growing was the water grass that stuck it’s ugly head up all over the field. The barn swallows that had entertained me early in the spring were sluggish probably because the bugs were so plentiful that they had already had their fill. The birds had stopped singing and all I could hear was an occasional coo from a mourning dove reminding me of the hurt I held in my heart. Woe is me I thought, as I reminded God of the burden that I had carried that instead of getting better had gotten worse.
As I dragged myself toward the house, drenched from the heat and humidity, I caught a glimpse of something growing in the, now drooping flower garden. It was a friend who came for a surprise visit! No not the human kind but a lily that comes unannounced. I don’t know what the true name is for it but I have always called it a Resurrection Lily. There it was standing in the middle of flowers that had seen better days. The first year we lived here is the first time that I had ever given any mind to this beauty. It is said that this is one of the most cold hardy plants in the lily family. Evidently the heat doesn’t stop it either. There it stood as if in a royal parade. My heavy heart lifted a bit but I went to the house still feeling the despair that I had been drenched with on this summer day. The next day, and the next, I gazed out at this beauty, still standing even in the heat. I wondered when it too would finally succumb to the blistering heat.
I “happened” to come across a beautiful scripture in Isaiah today that sums it up for me.
The desert and the parched land will be glad, the wilderness will rejoice and blossom like the crocus, it will burst into bloom it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.
Isaiah 35:1-2
According to some, this text refers to the coming of Christ, to me it means hope, not hope in the dryness of my feelings or the wilderness of my despair but in the Resurrected Christ who never changes. Even through my lowest times, I can trust this amazing truth. My lily burst into bloom and shouted the joy of the Lord to my tired, dry soul. Thank you God for this beautiful reminder.
Eventually my Resurrection Lily will fade and die but the truth of the resurrected Christ will stand for all eternity.
Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way, say to fearful hearts be strong and do not fear…he will come to save you. Isaiah 35:3-4
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Out of Darkness
In Psalm 143:1 He said; O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.
Psalm 143:3 The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in darkness like those long dead. So my spirit grows faint within me, my heart within me is dismayed.
I know that most of us have been there where David was as darkness over came him and there was no hope.
I am reminded of a time in our lives that hope seemed to be gone. A few words from a doctor had made our world spiral out of control. My sweet husband was told that he was going to go blind from an eye condition. At that time, he was given no hope, he was told to go home and get ready for the inevitable. My strong husband, who lead our home and family with strength felt crushed to the ground with no hope. The mere thought of this impending physical darkness brought about a darkness in his soul. I had never seen him so broken.
During this time he searched the scripture for something that would make sense of that whole thing and give him hope. He came across a scripture that seemed to lift him from the pit of hopelessness. It is a scripture that has brought hope to many.
Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
To this day, the Lord has kept his hand on Larry and has preserved his eye sight. One of the fears he had is that he would not be able to make a living for his family but he worked for 43 years at his job and was able to provide for his family and is in his 5th year of retirement.
As David, many times our spirits are crushed and there is darkness all around we lose hope. David found his hope in God, in Psalm 144 he says, the Lord is my Rock, he is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield in whom I take refuge.
You are God’s chosen even if your world seems dark right now. Take heart! David eventually took his place as king and the bible says he danced and praised the Lord as he entered the City named after himself. He could finally say “I will sing a new song to you, O God on the ten-stringed lyre, I will make music to you, to the One who gives victory!
Praise the Lord!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Lament Anyone?
Yet, this I call to mind and therefore I have hope. Lamentations 3:21
I like how the The Message puts it:
I’ll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness,
The taste of ashes, the poison I’ve swallowed.
I remember it all__oh, how well I remember
The feeling of hitting the bottom.
But there’s one other thing I remember
And remembering , I keep a grip on hope.
God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out,
His merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
How great is your faithfulness?
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He’s all I’ve got left.
God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits.
To the woman who diligently seeks.
It’s a good thing to quietly hope,
Quietly hope for help from God.
My hero is waiting, as all of us has waited from time to time, waiting, quietly waiting and hoping for help to come from God. Remembering that His love is created new every morning. That his merciful love couldn’t have run out or dried up. Remembering to keep a grip on hope!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
As my eyes glazed over reading the first chapter of Matthew I decided that I needed an attitude adjustment. I really don’t know if I ever read through the entire genealogy of Jesus with all of the “so in so was the father of so in so who was the father of someone else“. As I read I came across something that sparked my interest. It was; David was the father of Solomon whose mother had been Uriah’s wife. I skimmed the side notes and found that there was a reference to that statement. The title to this little blip on the side of my bible was “Why list Uriah in the genealogy of Christ? Indeed! Why would the “dirty laundry” be written right there for generations of readers see? What I found was a beautiful thought. Jesus, was willing to be identified with a sinner like David. Uriah a good man, was killed in order that King David have his wife Bathsheba. David, God’s chosen, His anointed one, the one who God spoke of as being a man after his own heart was frail man just like you and me. David sinned. This was a beautiful reminder of God’s grace. When I read the story of David, I find that he was not done, God didn’t disown him but used David even after this terrible failure. That is grace.
This fall when I have to shut the doors and windows and prepare for winter I plan to look up my family on my Mom’s side of the family. Someone has already done my Dad’s family tree and also my husband’s family so I find that side of the family very interesting. I don’t know if I would find any scoundrels or saints but it would be fun to trace the family. The pictures that I posted fascinate me. My Grandpa Camp is the young man in the center with his father (Great Grandpa Camp) to the right in the picture. From what I have heard they were all upstanding members of society but I am sure I have seen Elliot Ness of the “Untouchable” wear that same kind of over coat. Because my mom has my great grandfathers ledgers, I know he kept track of everything and recorded even the smallest things. I would assume that he was an organized man, he definitely didn’t pass that on to me. Will I find people who my kids resemble or talents that has popped up from some generation in my past? I don’t know. Maybe there was someone generations ago who prayed for me and my generation of the family. For over forty years I have prayed for my family into the fifth generation. Did someone do that for me? If I had been in the family of Jesus I know he would have included me, as unworthy as I am. I thank God for His Amazing Grace!
I can see it now…Charles, father of Verna, who was the mother of Jeanie a sinner set free by the grace of God!
The other picture is of the “Camp Kids”, I’m told it was taken at a Camp Reunion. The sweet little girl (smallest girl) in the front is my mother. The ornery looking little fellow in the front with his hands on his hips is my Uncle Rex.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Everything is always changing, have you noticed that? Being a newlywed was a change, of course it was a great change I loved being married, I was proud to be Mrs Larry Nihiser but none the less it was still a change. I had barley taken a breath of wedded bliss when I became a mother and all of the happiness that comes with that beautiful time of life but still a change. Just when I was enjoying having babies at my knees, they began to troop off to school, one by one. Tears stung my eyes to watch the big yellow bus take my babies away to kindergarten …again change. My babies went from pigtails and loose teeth to lipstick and eye makeup. They went from loving Barbies to loving boys. I blinked my eyes two times and they were walking down the isle to become a newlywed themselves. Then I found my self experiencing something new and wonderful, being a grandmother and as any grandmother can attest a delightful change. I now see my grown daughters going through the same changes and so the cycle continues. One of my daughters, wrote on her Facebook wall that she had been watching home videos and said “where has the time gone?” I understand what she is saying. We also go through changes that are sometimes not so pleasant. Our bodies change and don’t have the energy it once did. Our hair turns gray and “wow, who is that woman in the mirror”. Sadly, there comes a time when we are unable to care for ourselves and after years of giving, we must accept the help of others.
My husband and his brother spent the past week getting things arranged to have their mother move to an assisted living facility. Up until now she had lived on her own. It was hard on mother and sons alike. As she, in their childhood, had held their hand and guided their way, today they hold her frail hand to steady her unsure gait. It’s going to be really nice for her there since she will be getting the help she needs but can also remain somewhat independent… still another change. She is 91 and often says “I just can’t believe I am that old” and you know I understand what she is saying. As we undergo one change after another we have to bear in mind that we have a God that never changes. The same God who knew me before I was born, still knows me today. He has not grown old, tired confused, or forgetful . His hand is still steady. He has been my best fan as I have struggled through the changes of life. He has applauded when I’ve done well and cried when I have been hurt. I am still his child, He holds my hand and that NEVER changes. He still holds the hand of my mother-in-law and someday will welcome her home for her final change where her hand will not be frail or her gait unsure and she will meet the God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Straight Rows
It seems mowing day comes too often around here as it does everywhere this time of the year. This morning Larry and I divided our portion like Abraham and Lot, we jumped on our mowers and took off. Grass flew every which way with the two of us mowing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Larry heading for me on his mower. When Larry departs from his designated area I know he wants to tell me something. So here he came giving me hand signals like the guys who direct big planes at the airport. With much effort and hands flying I finally understood what he was trying to convey to me. He was saying, if I would pick something ahead of me and focus on it I would be able to make straight rows. He kept looking back and pointing at the wavy lines of the last row I went down. I shook my head yes to let him know I understood and went on my way. Every time we passed I repeated his hand signals to let him know I was on track, plus it was fun teasing him. Truthfully though, I struggled. I tried to look ahead at one object but I couldn’t help but watch where I was going. After all I had already made a mess of my rows so I had to stay on my crooked course. It wasn’t comfortable looking ahead and not watching where I was going. It was difficult to focus ahead because I was focusing on the mistakes I had already made.
Sometimes we set out with our eyes focused on Jesus but then we remember our sins and look down at the crooked rows of your life. We can’t help but look at things right in front of us because we lack trust to look up. Sometimes we look with regret that cripples us in our new walk. Often, even though we were miserable in our sins, it was comfortable there, and for a season, we found some happiness there. Maybe you are a new Christian that has yet to feel the joy of trusting Jesus. You might need to refocus on him daily, and trust him to guide you.
In Colossians 3:2 we see that we are to “set our minds on things above, not on earthly things”.
I love The Message version of this scripture:
Colossians 3:2
Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up and be alert to things going on around Christ, that’s where the action is. See things from His perspective.
If you look at this scripture you see that there are things we need to do. We need to “set our minds” and “look up” “be alert”, "See things" from his perspective these are action words. It’s not always easy to do this so we need to ask him to help us. Then we will see that Christ is where the action is, Christ is where we can live a victorious life.
Determined I started a brand new row, I put my eyes on the focal point ahead, I didn’t have to look down to see where I was going because I knew that if I looked forward my rows would be straight. I had to deliberately choose to focus, and not look anywhere else. I had to set my mind! It was well worth my effort as I looked back to see perfectly straight rows. Larry gave me a thumbs up as I successfully finished with my eyes on the focal point.
As we see life from God’s perspective our life will reflect the Christ. At the end of life I want to see Christ waiting with thumbs up to welcome me home and tell me "job well done".
Lord, you are my hope. Lord, I have trusted you since I was young. Psalm 71:5
Monday, June 21, 2010
Are You a Standout Christian?
The first thing I thought of was how we, as Christians, should be set apart from those who do not believe. Just as the lily stood out because it was of another “family” of flowers so we should stand out because we are of the family of God.
There has been many attempts at standing out that maybe wasn’t what God had in mind. I remember as a young Christian, I was taken back by some of these things. Like what you wore for instance. At that time in my life I had teased hair that was a foot tall, short dresses and “the forbidden” face makeup unlike others who wore a bun, long dresses and NO makeup. I truely admired these women for their dedication and wanting to do what the Lord wanted me to do, I asked Him many times if I should change. My heart was pure in asking but I never felt led to be someone other than who I was.
Sometimes people try to stand out by having great knowledge of the Bible which is certainly good but is not all that is required to stand out in a crowd.
Some took pride in their works and their giving, as before, all good but not what God asked us to put on to stand out in a crowd.
I found in my studies that the Bible talked about clothing but not the kind that needs to be washed, ironed or dry cleaned.
Isaiah 11:5 says that righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.
(Oh, how the world would notice someone who was righteous and faithful)
For us we are told in Psalm 30:11 that he changes our sorrow into dancing. He takes away our clothes of sadness and clothed me in happiness.
( I think we stand out when the Lord turns our sadness into happiness as we go through trials of all sorts)
Job 29:14 says I put on right living as if it were clothing; I wore fairness like a robe and a turban.
(In a day when nothing seems fair and many live lives that are not right, I bet we stand out in a crowd)
Peter urged us to be clothed in humility (1 Peter 5:5) Being humble seems to be outdated in this age.
Galatians 3:27 says we who are baptized into Christ, clothes themselves with Christ.
The only reference to the clothes of Jesus, was when he was dying on the cross and the soldiers divided up his clothing but when it come to his robe they decided not to tear it and divide it because a seamless garment was very costly. Very much like his robe, his love is seamless and perfect.
Most of us are made up of patches and pieces, we are clothed with sin, failure, and hopelessness but we need to put on Christ and his perfect love. Then we, like my lily can truly stand out in a crowd.
Let us turn heads with our humility. People will gawk at our happiness, our fairness our right living and they will marvel that we are clothed in Christ.
My hair is no longer teased, my clothing is much like anyone my age and I still wear a little make up to hide my wrinkles. The desire of my heart is that when the world looks at me, they look past my outward appearance and see my heart. I pray I stand out because I am clothed with Christ.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Daddy's Tears!
Martha confronted Jesus that day. Where have you been? If you would have been here you could have saved Lazarus! Martha’s eyes were moist with tears but filled also with the hurt of betrayal. The truth is, Jesus could have saved Lazarus. He had traveled from village to village doing just that but for his dear friend, he had come too late. We like Martha feel betrayed because we do not see the hand of God at work. With our limited understanding, all we see is betrayal.
I have heard many people give theories about vs. 35 in John 11 it stated “Jesus wept“. We speculate; was he hurt for his friends Mary and Martha? Did he hurt for his dear friend Lazarus? It could be either, but I tend to think he wept for all those who feel betrayed as Martha did. He wept for the times he was working things out on our behalf, but to us, all we could see was betrayal.
Have you ever felt betrayed by God? You prayed and prayed for the test to not be positive for cancer…but it was… BETRAYED? You prayed that your job would hold up….but you got laid off anyway…BETRAYED? You prayed that your unjust and cruel boss would leave you alone…but she didn’t…BETRAYED? So many times you had prayed for your son to be healed from a mental disorder but he is still on the streets... BETRAYED? Where was God when he could have prevented the car accident but it happened anyway…BETRAYED? You pray for your child from the moment of birth asking the Lord to bring him into the family of God but he is still out there, as the prodigal, eating with the pigs…BETRAYED?
Jesus was no stranger to betrayal himself. He was betrayed by his disciples, his followers, he looked into the face of Peter who denied him three times and even His Heavenly Father was no where to found. He cried out to God the Father, “Why have you forsaken me?" Jesus wept that day because he knows how much it hurts to feel BETRAYED.
In this life we will sometimes look into our Father’s eyes as Jenna did and see the tears streaming down his own face but not understand why He would let us go through so much pain. We might look to the heaven and say “Why Lord?” Jenna didn’t understand her pain, she didn’t understand why she was BETRAYED but what she did know is that her Daddy took her in his big strong arms and comforted her. He wiped away her tears as he wiped away his own. Jesus wept for you and me and today he is calling us to run back into his strong arms and let him wipe away our tears.
When I feel BETRAYED, I have to remember that the bible says "he is working all thing out for my good and trust His loving Father's heart.
John 11:35 Jesus wept.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sea of Faces!
I was reminded in scripture of the sea of faces that Jesus looked upon in his ministry here on earth. At one time it is recorded that there were 5000 men not to mention the women and children. I am sure that there was no names scrawled on a name tag for each one but he knew their name. People came to him with their physical problems their mental problems and all problems in general. I can imagine if instead of names their were problems written on their tags. I can see bankruptcy and unemployment written on one, cancer, mental illness or blindness written on another. Would there be people who listed their sins that needed forgiven lying, cheating, adultery, murder, or stealing? As they approached would Jesus have to squint to see the handwritten notes on these tags? Would he have to ask them what brought them there that day?
The bible tells us that as he looked at the masses, he saw individuals, each one of us. He knows how many hairs are on our head, and miraculously he knows the burdens on our hearts. Why would he want to know me, my burdens or my frailty?
It all comes down to compassion and love. The bible says that he had commpassion on the people and ordered them to be fed. Can we fathom that love? Ephesians 3:17-19 gives us a glimpse into that kind of love.
I pray that Christ will live in your hearts by faith and that your life will be strong in love and be build on love. And I pray that you and all of God’s holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ’s love___ how wide and how long and how high and how deep that love is. Christ’s love is greater than anyone can ever know, but I pray that you will be able to know that love. Then you can be filled with the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19
Because of love, Shane was challenged to know every teen’s name at the camp and it is the wide, long, high and deep love of God that makes him know everything that is our hearts. He knows our every thought, our every deed and our every need. No name tags needed!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Great Treasure
Psalm 119:162 says “I rejoice in your word like one who finds a great treasure.”
His truth can be found within the pages of the bible. We have several bibles in our house. I have bibles that the kids left here, from their childhood. Inside, there is usually a name of a dear Sunday School teacher that gave the bible to them. Some of them have little tabs on the side to help find the books of the bible. Some of them are written in, I love these, that tell of a struggle and the victory they found there. The bible I use right now is a bible that was given to Nicholas our sweet boy. It was given to him by Nealy and Tim on some occasion and says “read this book often and hold it near to your heart” but for right now my “prodigal” does not hold this book near or dear so I hold it for him. As I pray for him, I write in it things that he will appreciate one day. I will use this precious Bible until there is a time when he will rejoice and see it as a great treasure. A day when the treasure he is looking for will be found within the tattered blue cover of this book.