Monday, January 16, 2017

Walkie Talkie

As I lay in the uncomfortable bed waiting for my family to get there, a man so tall, he seemed to almost have to duck when he came through the door, announced that he would be my nurse that night.  He checked out my vitals, asked me a few questions and headed out the door.  As he did, he turned to me and said something I had not heard, even after working in the hospital for 20 years.  He said "you are my walkie talkie tonight."  Not being fully to my senses, this went over my head until later when he explained that I, unlike the rest of his patients, could walk and could talk . After hearing his explanation, I was glad to be a "walkie talkie." 

Later I started to think how we should all be "walkie talkies".  We should , as the saying goes, walk the walk if we are going to talk the talk about Jesus.  God has given us the gospel of Jesus and the Bible says he has entrusted it to our care.  1 Timothy 6 says we should even guard it.  But we are not to keep the truth to ourselves but share it with the world.  Lord, help me be a "walkie talkie"!

“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to 
your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge,”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Glory to God in the Highest Heaven

Glory to God in the Highest Heaven!

As I was wheeled to my room in the hospital, my eyes brimmed with tears.  I knew I hadn't felt well but I never guessed I would be admitted that day with blood clots in my lungs.  I passed the big Christmas tree in the waiting room which I had earlier been admiring, I smiled at the receptionist with the Santa hat on as I whizzed by and I noted the whimsical Christmas characters on the scrubs of the nurses but the Christmas spirt had left me for that moment.  

At home all was Christmas!  In my frig was Christmas dinner with all the fixings, my outfit with Christmas cardinals on the sweater was set aside for the Christmas service at church, and Christmas CDs were ready to play to give that atmosphere to our gathering .  I thought of these things and wondered, as the wheel chair bumped along, if I would even be home for Christmas. But in that moment, I did not ask the Lord for gleaming trees and beautiful music as fear crept into my soul, I longed for what the angels promised the fearful shepherds that night.  I longed for peace!   And somehow amidst flashing monitors, hurried nurses and concerned doctors, God did give me peace! Peace to face whatever would come in the next few days.

As I sit here in my living room before dawn this Christmas morning, I am grateful for God's healing touch and those who prayed for me but mostly I am in awe of the One who gives Peace!

“Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2:13-14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I hate detours, don't you?  I hate them because I am always afraid I won't get back to the same road I was traveling on.  I have a fear of driving for months not knowing where I am.  The author of the devotional I read this morning asked, "Have you had detours in your life in recent months?"

It didn't take long for me to answer this question.  I would have to say it was the death of my mother, my biggest fan and supporter.  My grief threatened to keep me off the road I was traveling on but my merciful Lord had other plans for me.  The detour only made me stronger, more grateful and gave me a new compassion for those who lose loved ones. Her memory is sweet and only makes me want to finish on the road God has set before me because I know she is applauding me

The other detour was a health problem that made me think of my own mortality and how our lives are so brief and fragile.  We only travel through life one time and we can choose to stay on the road God has planned for us and use these detours to grow spiritually or we can wonder aimlessly in our grief or despair.

Detours are, many times, painful but in this fallen world we are bound to come across them.  So, weary travelers, buckle up and don't be afraid of detours that has or will come because you have a guide who can get you on the main road again only a stronger and a more compassionate you.  He is our hope in times of trouble and despair!

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭NIV