Friday, October 25, 2013

Gangly Pup!

Charlie, my grand-dog, came to visit today, in fact I “babysat” him for a little while. Charlie is only 5 months old but his long legs dominate his body. His long nose is into everything and his social skills surly need to be improved upon. He keeps everyone in the house on their toes, from Daisy the alpha female to Peppie the pint sized alpha male. He spends much of his time getting himself into trouble with the other dogs. He's an expert at dancing and dodging as they, in no uncertain terms, try to show him who's boss. Right now he sits at my feet, whining and has given up for the moment. I feel his pain because a few days ago I felt sorry for something I had said and I, like Charlie, sat and whined.

But.... if she hadn't said this, I wouldn't have said that. If I hadn't been tired because of my husband's restless night or if.......! It went on and on, one excuse after another. Finally, after all of the excuse making and whining, I began to beat myself up because I once again had bungled it.

My mind went back to a question in one of my bible studies. The question was something like this, “When have you said the wrong thing and felt sorry afterward?” Feeling rather self righteous, I couldn't think of the last time I had “bungled” it. “Have I arrived, I wondered to myself?” Maybe it's MY bible studying or maybe MY new journaling technique? Could it be that I am a mature Christian and this bungling at life is over? Had I moved from a baby bottle to solid food? Unfortunately pride in ME had reared its ugly head! I am sure that the Lord was not proud of me at that moment but, I'm sure He knew a time would come when I would be humbled.

While my heart broke because of what came from my mouth, I thought of how I should never think I have arrived and especially that it was all because of MY doing. It is only through Christ that I can walk through this life without making a mess of it. It is only God who can cause me to mature as a Christian. If not for the Lord I'm just a gangly pup with long legs and a long snout getting myself into all sorts of trouble. “Don't worry, Charlie, you'll grow up someday!” And so will I with God's help!

I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready, for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. 1 Corinthians 3:1-2

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Heaven is Sweeter

In the account found in Luke's gospel, there were two thieves hanging on the cross next to Jesus. One thief mocked Jesus saying “if you are so great save yourself and us too”. But, recognizing that Jesus was who he said he was, the Messiah, the other man defended Jesus and asked him to remember him when he came into his Kingdom. There is no account of Jesus examining the “good thiefs” works. Jesus didn't say you have never been a “fisher of men” like Peter or my “beloved disciple” like John. From the lips of Christ did not come, “What church board did you sit on? What Sunday School class did you teach or how much money did you throw into the offering plate?” No, Jesus simply turned to this man and said these words, “Truely I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”.

Salvation cannot be worked for or bought with money, it is a free gift from Jesus Christ. I have never been so aware of this truth as I was a few days ago when my very sick brother accepted Jesus as his Savior. I thought that I would have time to share some beloved scripture with him and mentor him as a new Christian as the days went on but that was not to be, he was caught up into “Paradise” just a few short days later. No, he didn't have time to get to church or declare his salvation to the world he simply ask Jesus to remember him and Christ took him to himself and said, “Truely I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”!

I will miss my dear little brother but heaven is all the sweeter today because he is there!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hidden Treasures and Riches Stored in Secret Places

As I sat in the doctor's office the other day I came across one of those pictures that you have to stare at to find a hidden message. Not so discreetly, I stared into the picture, hoping no one would notice. I even, less discreetly, put the picture to my nose trying desperately to find the hidden words that I was sure was there. Finally, the hidden words, appeared! I sat back in total satisfaction but could not help but notice the “eyes” peaking over the magazines at me.

What is it about something hidden that we desperately want to find? I remember Larry playing “I Spy” with Riley, our sweet granddaughter, when she was younger. He would pick out something in the room and say with great, grandfatherly, enthusiasm “I spy with my little eye”” Riley would gaze around the room, and with prompting from Papa, indeed, with her little eyes, find the secret object. With much happiness, she would announce her finding as if she had found a great treasure. She, as most of us, like finding what is hidden!

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3

I love this scripture because I have so many times found “hidden treasures” in the bible that met my need at just the right time. Sometimes it is a scripture that I am familiar with that reminds me of His amazing love or one that I have never read before, but talks to my soul, precisely when I need it. He always brings to my heart the truth, that He IS Lord of all situations and even better, He knows me by my name.

How blessed I am that my Heavenly Father shows me His hidden treasures, His riches stored in the Bible and I don't even have to put my nose on the page.