Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Bring Many To Christ!

With tears in his eyes and a quiver in his voice someone very familiar to Larry and I, John Wasem, spoke of his love for us, last Sunday morning. This man in his late eighties made his way over to us just to say he appreciated us. As we hugged, we assured him that if it hadn't been for him we might not be in church at all. Little did he know, that it was we who were indebted to him.

After Larry and I were married, this man of God was one of three men who visited us in our little apartment, weekly. They talked to my young husband, who like me had grown up without church, about everything but mostly their love for Jesus and us came through. They loved us into the church. We would start by going on Sunday mornings, then within months we accepted Christ as our Savior. Our life was changed that day. We made Christ and the Church the center of our lives.

These men of God, I believe, made such a difference in our life and in our family's life. Would we have found Christ without these three men taking an interest in us? I don't know, but I do know that John Wasem, Dwight Millikan, and Steve Ward loved us into the Kingdom in those early months of our married lives. Although the list is endless of all those who have touched me through the years I know that our lives changed in those early days because of God sending His people to love us.

Over forty years have passed since that day we went forward to accept Christ as our Savior and never has there been a day we ever regretted our decision. Praise be to God!

Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ. 1 Corinthians 9:19
Lord, help me become a slave to all people to bring many to know Christ!

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Roll In The Dirt

One hot, summer day I watched our Blue Healer, Rocky, saunter across the field and walk into the neighbor's pond. With the sun behind him, he looked rather handsome as he emerged from the refreshing water and walked through the tall grass. As is typical of wet dogs, he shook himself, starting at his nose and ending at the very tip of his tail. Water danced in all directions with the sunlight reflecting on each drop. Then Rocky did something that ruined the serene scene. He trotted his wet self to the nearest dirt hole, lowered his shoulder, then his entire body into the dirt, and proceeded to roll from side to side not missing a square inch.

As I watched in amazement, I was reminded of myself. No, I don't roll in the dirt after a dip in the pool but there have been times I did something similar. Some of the most wonderful, refreshing times I have ever had with the Lord to my dismay have been followed with a good roll in the dirt.

I have praised God, enjoyed His presence, and found myself falling in love with Him all over again. I remember times I would come from these wonderful times only to find myself losing my temper, gossiping, or totally blowing it in some way or another. Unlike my furry friend, I didn't mean to roll in the dirt but I did. I could not understand how this could happen. But I know I am not the only one who has experienced this disappointment. Paul says in Romans that he wants to do good but he does what he hates.

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do.

Romans 7:15

I am not a theologian but I think “the enemy” the devil hates for us to enjoy the Lord's presence. He cringes as we praise Him and loves to see us innocently waltz out of the refreshing “Living Water” only to find ourselves rolling in the dirt.

I prayed with a young woman awhile back who cried as she told me how she had been so close to God but then she found herself doing what she did not want to do. My heart broke for her as well as for myself because I have been there many times in my sixty-five years.

How do we avoid the dreaded dirt hole? First, I find, I need to be ready for the attack and then remember the truth I learned. I also must remember that even though I have lowered my shoulder into the dirt I don't have to roll in it. Jesus still forgives us! He still wants to help us do what we want to do and not do what we hate! Praise God!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Phil 4:13

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Build An Ark!

One of my favorite Southern Gospel songs, is entitled “Build an Ark”. To summarize, the song is suggesting that we grab our families and hide from the “world” and its sinfulness. As I watch nonstop newscasts that spew nothing but bad news, school shootings and terrorist bombings, I wish that I could take my family and hide them in a safe place.

For the last ten days I have been blessed to have kids and grandkids in my home. We shared happy memories, hugs and kisses and many laughs but we also had serious discussions about the challenges that their families face today.

In Noah's day, he and his family faced more than challenges. The bible says, the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. God said in Genesis that He regretted that He made human beings. Can you imagine? I sometimes feel that there is so much bad in the world but then God sends someone or something into my life to remind me that there is still much good in the world. He reminds me to think on those things that are good, right and lovely. But as Noah built his ark, no such good was to be observed, he was reminded daily of the unyielding evil that plagued the earth that God had created.

I wondered about this character called Noah, how did he do it? How did he get up in the morning and face the world in which he lived? What kept him going when all the news was bad, when all was evil in his eyes, as well as God's eyes?

As I combed through the verses that made up the story of this man, Noah, who found favor with the Lord, I came across the answer.

This is the account of Noah and is family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God. Genesis 6:9.

Noah was motivated by his desire to save his family and to please God. So Noah did the right things because he walked in close fellowship with God. Fellowship, according to the dictionary, means companionship. Noah knew God as his close companion. His close friend!

If we are to save our family we are called to live “righteous” lives before them as Noah did. The only way to live righteously, is to walk in close fellowship with God. Read scripture to get to know Him and pray to Him without ceasing. Walk with Him as a companion! Build an “ark” of love, soaked in prayer for your children and grandchildren.

“Build an Ark......Save your sons and your daughters!