Friday, March 29, 2013

I Could Hide My Own Easter Eggs!

On more than one occasion, keeping with the holiday, I have been accused of being able to hide my own Easter eggs when it comes to my memory. Most of the time this indictment is not a good thing but on occasion it is quite helpful since I am able to read books that I have already read and really enjoy them. One such book has been “Jesus” by Beth Moore. Each year I save the last few chapters to read at Easter time. She leads you carefully through the bible and Jesus' last days and I never fail to be blessed.

I love this book because it is not just the author that leads me but the holy word of God reads like a story of love. The Gospel of Matthew starts in chapter 21 to trace the lasts days of our Lord, starting with the Triumphal Entry.

If it had been me I would have just sat down and waited and felt sorry for myself, if I had known I was going to die in a week. But as I read on, Christ did many miracles in that week and told parables to help the people understand. He told the disciples that they could say to a “mountain, go throw yourself into the sea” and it would be done, if they just believed. He showed His authority in the temple to the Pharisees. He told the parable about a wedding banquet, He discussed politics, taxes and marriage. He gave us the greatest commandment which is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”. But then He goes on: This is the first and the greatest commandment and the second is like;'Love your neighbor as yourself'. He tells of the Seven Woes and the Ten Virgins, not to mention the signs we should look for at the end of the age. Not forgetting our animal friends, he even tells of the sheep and the goats. Whew! Are you getting the picture that this was not a restful or reflective week for the Son of God? And can you see that this is not a boring story that can be read just once?

Then you need to listen to the sounds! The sounds of the angry crowd, shouting “crucify him”. You need to hear the brutal whip as it slashed through his flesh as he was beaten. The sounds as people spat upon His holy face. Hear the sounds as He strained to carry His own cross up to Golgotha. Shutter at the sound of the hammer hitting the nail that sunk into his hands and feet. Listen closely and you will hear the air being forced out of his lungs as the old cross is heaved heavenward and jolted into place. “I thirst” he said. “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” he said through parched lips. Be amazed when hearing these words that comes from the lips of the Great I Am, “Forgive them Father because they don't know what they are doing”! Can you see it now? The Messiah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords using His last earthly breath to give us such rich words of hope! And then..... “It is finished”!

Now the good part, the part I could and do read over and over! HE AROSE FROM THE GRAVE!

Though my memory leaves, a lot to be desired, and I could truly hide my own Easter eggs, I could never forget what Christ did for us on the cross that Friday so many years ago. Even more important I never want to forget that He did not stay in that grave but is with the Father in Heaven.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Just As I Am!

Today I have been reading, "Then Sings My Soul" by Robert J. Morgan, which is a book of hymns and the story that surrounds their writing.  I have found myself feeling very blessed to be, in perhaps the last generation to sing and enjoy the old hymns.  Any and all circumstances caused these hymn writers to pen their praises to their Lord. 
Whether it was Horatio G. Spafford, who wrote, "It Is Well with My Soul" after losing all five of his children or  Fanny Crosby, the famous hymnist, though blind since childhood, who wrote the  beautiful words of "Blessed Assurance"  their words ring true in my heart, still, after all these years. 
One of my favorite stories has been about a woman who lived in the 1800s, whose name was Charlotte. 
Charlotte Elliott was a bitter woman who was angry with God because of an chronic illness that had rendered her disabled.  "If God loved me," she spewed in her anger, "He would not treat me this way." 
Hoping to help this embittered shell of a woman, a minister visited the home of the Elliotts.  Charlotte embarrassed her family with a violent outburst but the minister, not being put off by the outburst, asked her, "You are tired of yourself aren't you?" 
"So what is your cure?" asked Charlotte. 
"The faith you are trying to despise.", came the answer.
As they talked Charlotte softened and asked how she could become a Christian and possess the joy and peace the minister seemed to enjoy. 
"You would give yourself to God, just as you are, with your fighting and fears, hates and loves, pride and shame.
"I would come to God just as I am?  Is that right?
Charlotte did come to God just as she was and her heart was changed that day.  She claimed John 6:37  All that the Father gives Me will come to Me and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.
She later pinned the famous invitation song "Just As I Am".
She lived to be 82 and after her death, love ones found over a thousand letters written to her, expressing their gratitude for the way "Just As I Am" touched their lives.
I am so happy that we all are invited to come, just as we are, with our shame, our fears, our hatred and our sin and just as John 6:37 says "I will by no means cast you out!"  Amen

Friday, March 15, 2013

Love, Love I Love You!

After a fall that broke her hip and shoulder my ninety four year old mother-in-law had to go to a nursing home for rehabilitation., in order to get strong enough to go back to her little apartment in an assisted living facility.  It was a move none of us wanted but it became necessary for her to get well.  As the nurses worked to get her settled in, we headed down to the waiting room with heavy hearts.   We passed many, who were ravaged with the curses of old age,  while the cries of others could be heard as they screamed out in pain or fear.  Some gave a ready smile, while others seemed to be in their own little world.  The halls were bright, with words on them like love, laughter and peace but the eyes of many were blank and reflected anything but love or peace let alone laughter.  However our mood was lifted by two elderly couples we met as we journeyed down the halls.
His eyes glistened as he watched her from behind the viewing window.  "She had a stroke", he said.  But she still has a beautiful spirit about her, no matter how hard it gets. I'm going to take her home soon" he said with a voice filled with pride as he talked about his wife and sweetheart of many decades.  He smiled and waved as the physical therapist wheeled her out to him.  Her eyes widened as she caught sight of her favorite person in the whole wide world.  "My heart still lights up when I see you", she announced.  "That's never changed in all these years."  He giggled shyly and said "She always says that"!
He talked lovingly of the woman who sat beside him, seemingly oblivious to the conversation.  "We have been married seventy-one years, he boasted, and I love her like the first.  She has Alzheimer's now, that's why we are here at the nursing home.  He went on to say, "sometimes she is aware of things and sometimes she isn't, good days and bad days, I guess you might say."  The elderly woman of which he spoke fidgeted  in her chair and looked into those now tear-filled eyes, patted him on the leg and said in hushed tones, "I love you"!  At those words he broke into song with made up words of love to his bride.  "Love, love, I love you," he crooned.
I haven't been able to get these two couples out of my mind.  In the midst of everything we humans fear, old age, we find LOVE!  Enduring and delightful love!  Many decades of "good days and bad days" but still LOVE!  The kind of LOVE that lights up a heart!
There has been a scripture that I can't get out of my mind either!  I spoke of it just a few days ago but it came to my mind again as I studied my bible this morning.  As I read it, I also thought of these two, still in LOVE, sweethearts.  It tells me that God is with me, He is mighty to save, He takes delight in me, He will quiet me with His LOVE and He will rejoice and sing over me.  I see Him singing over me as the old man sang to his wife.  I can almost hear the made-up, just for me, words that say I LOVE YOU!
Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with is LOVE, he will rejoice over you with singing
"LOVE,LOVE, I LOVE YOU," He croons!

Friday, March 1, 2013


Who’s in charge of celebrations in your life? I read an excerpt from a book entitled “I’m in Charge of Celebrations”. I found the title very intriguing. The story was written about a woman who lived in the desert, alone. She was often asked if she ever got lonely and her reply was “Lonely? How could I be lonely when I am the one in charge of celebrations?” She continued, “this year I have had 108 celebration not counting the ones on the calendar!” Aren’t we all in charge of our celebrations?

I read this yesterday which was a cloudy day outside as well as in my soul. “Okay, God” I thought “how can I celebrate this day?” I began by trying to think of what was good about cloudy. Uhhh? I tried to think but nothing came to mind. Then I thought of how the weatherman always comments that if we have a cloud covering the atmosphere stays warmer because it holds in the warmth. So how does that apply to my cloudy mood, I thought. So I used this thought to think of warm memories that lingered deep in my heart, and I have so many good memories, don‘t you? I can remember sunny days that lifted my soul, times with God that made me want to shout of His goodness! Times of answered prayer and claimed promises that warmed my very being. I thought of scripture that filled me to overflowing. The cloudy cover created a canopy that enveloped the celebration!

The bible is full of times when His people were encouraged to look back at victories when they faced “cloudy days”! Times when God parted the Red Sea, battles that were won by a shout and of forefathers that trusted God. At this time of the year we look back at Calvary and the shed blood of our Savior Jesus Christ and celebrate an empty grave!

Today, I face another cloudy day but……I AM IN CHARGE OF CELEBRATIONS!