Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Lord is My Shepherd!

As I was reminded a few days ago, we are to spend 40 days in prayer for our nation.  I wondered, if our prayers could be seen in colors, how many would be red and how many would be blue?  We all have our preference, of course. but we need to pray for God’s will in this election.  We need to truly pray for our nation to be “Under God” once again!  A familiar Psalm comes to mind as I sometimes find myself worrying about what the future holds for our nation.  

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  Psalm 23:1

Psalm 23 actually compares we humans to sheep and the Lord as our Shepherd.  Sheep which has been noted at other times are not at all wise in themselves,  they are fearful of everything and frankly needs someone to guide them at all times.  Sound familiar?  

As those who are familiar with sheep know, the Shepherd provides all of the needs of his sheep.  He guides them to green pastures and quiet waters. In my reading this morning, I read that sheep can easily become fearful and run with no direction, even running over other sheep.  As we become frightened, let us not unkindly, run over others with our opinions, we are all sheep in need of a Shepherd.  As a shepherd who cares for his sheep, he many times has to make his sheep lie down, actually force them down into the lush green grass to eat.  Isn’t this like us so many times in this election process, we run in circles and cry “the sky is falling, the sky is falling” so God in his loving kindness has to force us, again, to consider that He is still in control no matter who gets elected.  

Lord, give us wisdom as we vote for who you want in office of President of the United States.

It is said that sheep will stare at water that is tumultuous and though thirsty will not drink, so a good Shepherd leads them to quiet waters.  

He makes me lie down in green pastures;  He leads me beside quiet waters.

As we pray for our country and the election in these next days to come, let us remember that He desires that we drink from the calm waters of his assurance.  Let Him lead you to quiet waters as you dip into His word while you pray.  His Word will FILL you with assurance as you remember that our Sovereign God is in control no matter who FILLS the White House.  Remember to drink deeply from His Living Water!  

Lord, help the people of this great nation to desire a return to the truths that has made America great!  Give us all wisdom as we go to cast our votes.  Give both candidates wisdom to know that without You and your Truth we will no longer be a great nation.  May we be a Nation Under God once again.  Amen

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Few Turnips And A Milk Cow?

As I have research the ancestry of Larry and I, most times it has been evident as to what kind of legacy these long ago family members left for the generations to come.  Here is a few examples of people on my family tree and what they left for their children as well as many great grandchildren these many years later.

This list was included in my 5th Great Grandfather’s will.  In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Gardner of the Township of Springfield in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey, being sick in body but of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament In Promise I commit my body to the dust and my Soul to God who gave it.  And as to those worldly things wherewith it pleased God to bless me, my will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid by my Executors herein after to be named, out of my personal estate.  This man was born in 1724 and died in 1795.

2 Hats
2 Great Coats
5 Pair of Stockings
5 Pair of Trousers
4 Linen Shirts 1
2 Pair of Breeches
4 Light Bodied Coats
4 Jackets
1 Pair Shoes and Pair of Boots
1 Pair of Buckles and Buttons
Cash due without bond for one yoke of ox
1 Horse
3 Milk Cows
1 Beef Cow
2 Calves
1 Pair of steers
2 Heifers
4 Sheep
Wheat and Rye on the Ground
Turnips in the Ground
Corn on the Ground
Wheat and Rye in the Barn
Buckwheat in the House
Oats in the Barn
Broom Corn in the Barn
Hay in store
Flax not cleaned
Riding Chair

If I inventoried everything I have in order to put them in my will it would look much different. Most of us would need more space to write down everything we own. You may say you don't have much but remember the above list included everything even turnips that was still in the ground.

As Thomas, I would have a list that would tell nothing of what I hopefully left as my legacy. Whether good or bad we all leave a legacy.

One of my searches lead me to a man who according to the newspaper article was addicted to alcohol.  The headline read: An Old Man’s Fate!  This man, Larry’s 2nd great grandfather, as the story is told, came to Decatur with his two sons to sell his crops but after being paid, started home alone.  As he drove, it is assumed he drank from the jug he always carried under the seat of his wagon.  Driving along and drinking heavily (DUI) he lost control of his team of horses. The team of two horses ran wild and ended up running head long into a fence neither horse was hurt but the old man was found in the back of the wagon, jug empty, money half gone and dead from his injuries.  Sadly this was a good man and according to the coroner:  “Mr Nihiser who was known well in this area, was a naturally kind-hearted and industrious man, but unfortunately he was addicted to a bad habit that has ruined a great many people”.

Remember for good or bad we all leave a legacy!

As I read through the list of things that my great, great ,great great grandfather owned it tells me nothing of his legacy because a legacy is more than a few cows, a horse and a crop of turnips still in the ground.

Through my research I found that he was a decorated captain in the Revolutionary War gaining much fame because of his bravery. I read another interesting story of how he was arrested for participating in several jailbreaks and inciting riots. Hmmm, this caused my eyebrows to rise somewhat.  But come to find out he was a defender of early settlers who were unjustly jailed by the British proprietors when they refused to handover their land.  Integrity?  Yes!  But probably more important was what was inscribed on his tombstone:
"My flesh shall slumber in the ground Till the last trumpet's joyful sound; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Savior's image rise."

If I am to read between the lines, I would say the best decision Captain Thomas Gardner, this  brave and courageous hero, ever made was to be a follower of Jesus Christ his Savior!

What are we passing to our children and grandchildren? Is it a few turnips and a milk cow or are we leaving them a life pointing them toward Christ and heaven? Go make your list, turnips and all then give it all to God.

Monday, September 24, 2012

He Wakens Me!

This morning the alarm went off at 4:00 but I actually slept in until 4:30!  Why would a retired woman like myself set an alarm for 4:00 am?  I talk now about my “old lady” alarm that sets itself.  Why? Why do my bones creak, my hair turns gray or why does my memory fail me at times?  I don’t know the answer to that but it all happens when you get a certain age.  

I do know that as I creak down the stairs my heart is blessed and my mind is excited to think that it is time to be with the Lord.  The creator of the universe wishes to have time with me!  AMAZING!  That with a steaming cup of coffee makes for a perfect morning.  Perhaps as in the scripture for today from Isaiah, the Lord wakens me.  

The sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue to know the word that sustains the weary.  He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.  Isaiah 50:4

This morning, as I went to the door, the sky was alive with stars, the air was crisp and everything in me was happy to be awake, happy to see God’s creation take the center stage to perform without flaw.  I knew is was worth losing a little sleep to see his wonders as the night sky began to give way to the morning.  

How many times do I pass the glory of God in my hurriedness?  Yes, occasionally I do hurry!  If not in a hurry, I sometimes miss it because of the worries that blind me to His beauty!  Let us be wakened by the Lord this day as we go our way!

'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'  Act 17:28

Have a blessed day! Leave a comment if you have seen his glory today!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Trust His Hand When You Can't See His Plan!

Everything is always changing, have you noticed that? Being a newlywed was a change, of course it was a great change I loved being married, I was proud to be Mrs Larry Nihiser but none the less it was still a change. I had barely taken a breath of wedded bliss when I became a mother and all of the happiness that comes with that beautiful time of life but still a change. Just when I was enjoying having babies at my knees, they began to troop off to school, one by one. Tears stung my eyes to watch the big yellow bus take my babies away to kindergarten …again change. My babies went from pigtails and loose teeth to lipstick and eye makeup. They went from loving Barbies to loving boys. I blinked my eyes two times and they were walking down the isle to become a newlywed themselves. Then I found my self experiencing something new and wonderful, being a grandmother and as any grandmother can attest a delightful change. I now see my grown daughters going through the same changes and so the cycle continues. One of my daughters, wrote on her Facebook wall that she had been watching home videos and said “where has the time gone?” I understand what she is saying. We also go through changes that are sometimes not so pleasant. Our bodies change and don’t have the energy it once did. Our hair turns gray and “wow, who is that woman in the mirror”. Sadly, there comes a time when we are unable to care for ourselves and after years of giving, we must accept the help of others.

My husband and his brother spent the past week getting things arranged to have their mother move to an assisted living facility. Up until now she had lived on her own. It was hard on mother and sons alike. As she, in their childhood, had held their hand and guided their way, today they hold her frail hand to steady her unsure gait. It’s going to be really nice for her there since she will be getting the help she needs but can also remain somewhat independent… still another change. She is 91 and often says “I just can’t believe I am that old” and you know I understand what she is saying. As we undergo one change after another we have to bear in mind that we have a God that never changes. The same God who knew me before I was born, still knows me today. He has not grown old, tired confused, or forgetful . His hand is still steady. He has been my best fan as I have struggled through the changes of life. He has applauded when I’ve done well and cried when I have been hurt. I am still his child, He holds my hand and that NEVER changes. He still holds the hand of my mother-in-law and someday will welcome her home for her final change where her hand will not be frail or her gait unsure and she will meet the God who is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Dorothy is now almost 94 and looking forward to another year of making candy for Christmas.  She lived in the first assisted living facility for two years but moved a few months back to a new one.  She enjoys eating out and she still loves her beloved Peppy, her doggie in fact he visits her and even had a sleepover the other night.  She continues to do well and we are blessed to have her with us. I re-posted this one because I thought of the change that took place over two years ago.  The Lord still on the throne and has taken care of her as he has all of her life.  He has been abundant in his love for Dorothy and as she has done for 94 years, she trusts His hand when she couldn't see His plan.  Change!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Trails To You!

I remember a time in my childhood that was especially sweet to me! It was a time we lived in an old farm house in the country. The house, as I remember, was drafty and cold in the winter, so cold that most of the winter we spent in one room with an old wood burning stove.  It was at this time I began to regard cocoa and toast as one of my favorite “meals“.  Mom would toast the bread in an old cook stove oven while the, made from scratch, hot cocoa was warming. To this day, this unlikely treat warms my bones and my heart on a cold night.

The rest of the year my brothers and I roamed the pastures, creeks and the old barn. The hay loft was a special place that we could tunnel through the bails of hay to discover if the old cat had delivered her  kittens yet or if some hen had made a nest to hatch her chicks.

 I also had a special place that I went to pray down by the creek. I only knew to pray as if writing a letter: Dear God, please give me.....such and such or please save my little kitten or whatever came to the mind of a seven year old I, in childlike faith asked my Lord.

I most often prayed for a horse as I remember! I wanted a grand horse like I saw on TV! I imagined myself riding "Flicka" from the Saturday morning show "My Friend Flicka" or maybe Dale Evans' horse, a palomino named Buttermilk! I could imagine what people would say as I headed up the many parades I would be invited to ride in. I could see my  beautiful steed with a fancy saddle and well groomed mane. I would wear a white cowgirl hat and boots to match my sparkly shirts. People would cheer as I road by waving!

One day after praying for my dream horse, I roamed around looking for something interesting near the creek. Eyes glued to the water I searched the little stream for pretty rocks or maybe an arrow head. Suddenly my excursion was interrupted by a sound that could only be a a! After all I had heard that sound as Dale called Buttermilk over to eat an apple or a cube of sugar! There before my eyes was not one horse but at least ten of them! And they were all mine.....God had sent them! I had prayed for them and they were MINE! Thank you Dear God I prayed, as I ran toward my herd of horses! I could not take my eyes off them, there were paints, black ones and white ones and a beautiful palomino. Which one would I ride first, and what would I feed them and...and....! My dreams were interrupted by something I only noticed when I nearly ran into it! A fence! To my chagrin, they were the neighbors horses but for the rest of the summer they were mine all mine until I told my brothers of my find. As I think back, it's a wonder we weren't all killed as, in secrecy, we tried to ride bareback on those bucking, kicking and biting equine.

For a few moments I was a proud owner of not one but many horses, my prayers had been answered. I don’t remember ever being disappointed in God though I guess I could have been.  I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but with my childlike faith I knew He had given me my dream horse! And actually, in that moment in my seven year old mind, I rode in parades, I taught, her tricks and I lived my the fantasy. I just knew that he heard my prayers and sent even more than I had asked!

It is amazing how God works! That's the closest I ever got to owning a horse but it was glorious! The memories of "My Horse" still warms my heart, but, more so, the distinct feeling that God cared about the prayers of a barefoot, dirty faced little girl with big dreams has never left me. Praise God!

I wish I had that kind of simple faith now as an adult.  I wish instead of being disappointed that the Lord didn’t take away the disease, I could rejoice that he is giving me grace to handle it. Instead of instant healing, should I be disgruntled that I was lead to a good doctor who knew the answers?  No less a miracle in my mind.   I wish I could recognize, as I did then, his miracles and praise Him. Instead many times I stand looking for my “version” of that miracle and think he didn’t deliver!

Yep, for that summer, for that moment in time, I was the proud owner of not one horse but a herd of them.  I could still sing “Happy Trails” as I think of it, even these many years later!

He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. Matthew 2-5

“Happy Trails to you until we meet again”!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

So Very Weekly!

Since retiring almost five years ago, I sometimes forget what day it is. But it's not long before I figure it out as I reach for the little orange container that holds my medicines. As I slide my finger across the letters I finally figure out that Monday pills are gone so it must be Tuesday! I just love old people, don't you!

In years gone by there were dish towels in my drawer that had been beautifully embroidered to sing out the days of the week. These towels are considered antiques now to be sure.

I noticed that they now make children's undies that have Dora merrily pointing to the day of the week or some super hero holding up the Monday through Sunday as if they were heavy.

My fear now is they will come up with the geriatric version of underwear that proudly display the day of the week! How embarrassing if you're hauled into the hospital on Wednesday and you are still wearing Tuesday underwear!

All this said, I also use the days of the week to pray for my kids and grandkids. It works out nicely that I have five daughters to which Monday through Friday was assigned and then there is Saturday for Nick. When I pray for each of the girls, I include their husbands and kids. So my oldest daughter Christa is my Monday girl, Kelly my Tuesday girl etc according to birth order. Not rocket science but it gives me some order so I can include everyone and concentrate my prayers specifically on that particular family.

As I thought of this today it reminded me of the greatness of our God! In my finiteness, I have to devise a plan that a fifth grader could understand, yet my heavenly Father hears each one of us as we speak. He doesn't have to keep track of our needs by looking at the calendar, he just knows our needs. He doesn't have to pull out his pill box to know who to pray for on that day.

Think of it! The One who keeps the universe in order takes time to hear our prayers and to pray for each of us! The One who made you and me, says bring your burdens to me and I will give you rest. The One who named the stars knows your name and my name. How fabulous is that? Amen!

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. Isaiah 40:26


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Keegan "Worshiper of God"!

In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzer king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. Daniel 1:1

Before I retired, as most in the work force, I received yearly evaluations. I hated them, not that they were ever bad but I didn't like being critiqued. One of the things on the lists of categories was how I looked. Most supervisors would rate me high on that one I suppose because I loved getting new scrubs for work, so I imagine I looked pretty spiffy. (I actually did retired with the most scrubs on record). "Always neat in appearance" was the way they put it. If they had stopped there I would have felt the experience to be worthless but they did continue to give an evaluation of my work. I wasn't there to look neat, even as much as I liked buying new scrubs, I was there to care for patients. So I wanted a word on that part of my job.

I remember as a teenager I would have given anything for someone to think I looked "neat"! "Cool or as we used to say, Tuff" would have been even better! Back then, as now, looks are very important to young people.

Daniel, of the Bible, was "all that" so on that terrible day that Nebuchadnezzer besieged Judah he was one of those picked. He was of the royal family, handsome, and according to the Book of Daniel, bright as well. Attributes once thought of as good, now seemed to be a curse to the young Daniel. How humiliated he must have felt as the King's servant checked him out like he was a prized horse or oxen. I'm sure Daniel concluded that a "pretty face" was not all it was cracked up to be. Because of these traits he would be carried far from his beloved Judah to live in Babylon.

When I think of Daniel, I can see my grandson Keegan. He is from the royal family (the family of God), he is handsome and he is smart. If Keegan had lived in 605 B.C., he most likely would have stood before the Kings servant as he searched for brightest and the best in all Judah. If I could warn my grandson as well as his peers I would tell them that the devil prowls looking for who he may devour or “besiege” and it seems that young people are under attack. TV and movies glorify beauty and rarely mention or in anyway glorify integrity, honesty or sincerity. Immorality is portrayed as normal if not completely “cool” in the media today. Teenagers are carried away from their Christian beliefs and held as Daniel was in “friendly captivity”. Many times as they search for meaning in life, they find that their captor thinks nothing of them personally, they are just another pretty face but by then he (Satan) has lead them far away from what is good to feast on what is bad.

After arriving in Babylon, Daniel’s name which means “worshiper of God” was changed to the Babylonian name Belteshazzar which means “Bel will protect” (Bel was one of their Gods) but Daniel didn’t let his captors change who he was. He refused to eat from the King’s table and he never forgot that he was Daniel worshiper of the God of Judah!

Sent from Jeanie!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chocolate Stampede!

When we visit my mom, about an hour away, she always likes to go to her favorite steak house and believe me we don't hesitate to take her. The steaks are tender, moist and the best I have ever eaten. They serve a sweet potato that is out of this world, tasty warm bread and we top it off with a chocolate desert that is "to die for"! I am certain that my, ever-widening hips bare evidence that I love the food that this great eatery serves.

Every chance I get I tell someone about it and especially about the glorious desert that awaits any who go to this place. The name says it all, "Chocolate Stampede"! It takes three waiters and the hostess to carry it out and instead of spoons we practically need shovels (slight exaggeration) but between the three of us we usually put most of it away, leaving Mom a small snack to take home. I am not afraid that those I recommend this restaurant to, will be offended by my telling them about something I love, I have no worry that maybe they might resent me for supposing they don't already know about this delight and I bare no burden to be politically correct when I over flow with praise for it’s culinary superiority.

But it occurred to me that while I gush over my favorite restaurant, I hesitate to tell, even the ones I love, about the best and most precious thing in my life...the Lord? He alone brings a peace that is beyond anything that the world offers. He delights me with His truth and quenches my thirst as he gives me living water. He died that I may have life eternal and live with him in heaven. He is my constant companion, the bible says he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Yet I shy from telling the whole world about this extravagant love He has for me, and that even before I knew him he loved me.

Go figure, I have no trouble telling people where to find great food but hesitate, for fear of offending, telling them about the "Bread of Life"!

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35 NIV84)

Lord, forgive me for my lack of boldness, but in boldness and kindness help me to tell everyone I know about your love and your salvation through Jesus Christ! Amen

That restaurant? I don’t want to advertise here but it is named after what sits atop a bovine’s head!

Feel free to comment about this post, I would love to hear from you!

My Mission: To bring people to know the Lord as a friend but also and most importantly know Him as the Way!

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Chisel or Chainsaw?

As we walked toward the entry door of our favorite home improvement store, we couldn't mistake the distinct sound of a chainsaw. There stood many people who took time out from their own projects to watch a master at work on his. All eyes were focused on the chainsaw and the artist holding it. Out of a huge log came a beautiful sculpture of a ferocious looking bear. Maybe a bear would not fit your home decor but I had to admire the skill it took to create this magnificent work of art complete with claws, teeth and hair that stood to attention on his thick neck. I am always amazed at that kind of talent. "God given" comes to mind when I see talent that just seems so effortlessly flow for some people

While chiseling or sculpting wood seems impossible to me, sculpting stone or marble seems incredible. How are images created out of such hard material. How does a hammer and chisel become like a paint brush, and a stone becomes a canvas? How does jagged rock quarried from the ground give way to the beauty of the masters hand?

When asked how he made his statue, Michelangelo is reported to have said, "It is easy, you just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David."

I don't know about you but many of the things about me that I hate seems to be, as they say, set in stone. I hate that I am so easily offended! I hate that I have difficulty forgiving harsh words spoken to me. I hate that I stuff those words down to ferment into something putrid. I hate, I hate and I hate but how do I change? I cannot change I conclude, my flaws are set in stone. Indeed I cannot change on my own, but have I let the Master chip away at everything that doesn't look like Jesus? Actually? No! Have you ever watched anyone chisel or sculpt? It includes a hammer and a sharp instrument! It is hard, first to admit I am at fault (after all, I didn't say mean things) but God certainly talks about forgiveness more than he talks about mean words. Wow, there is some serious "chiselin' goin' on up here!" But if I am to let Jesus chip away I must endure the pain of it as he smoothes the rough edges and I have many. The bible says I am His workmanship, so should I resent him working on me, even if it causes me pain? I say gladly, chip away, Lord, even if a chainsaw is needed. May I be more like Jesus!

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV84)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

When a Tree Falls!

Since I seem to be in the unwanted habit of getting up in the wee hours of the morning I decided to do some cleaning this morning. We have been redecorating our kitchen so I thought it fitting to clean the cabinets inside and out. As I cleaned away, I spied a place up high that I knew had to be dusty and dirty. I got a stool to stand on and alas it was as dirty as I thought. I ran my wet rag across it but the film did not come off. The thought ran through my mind, “if no one can see the dirt, is it still really there”? Kind of like, if a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, did it make a noise? Or something like that! At 3:00 a.m. you think strange things like that!

Of course even at that early hour, I tried to put that analogy into my life. I remembered that several months back I did a study called Breaking Free by Beth Moore and through this study many of us in our group found we had dirt where no one could see it. The sticky film didn’t bother anyone but the one who knew it was there. It wasn’t always sin in our lives but could be almost anything that hadn’t come out to the light of the Lord’s love.

One morning when we split into groups, my partner was my good friend Bev. She was the one who had invited me to this group so I not only enjoyed studying in this group of women but enjoyed being with my friend of many years.

Bev shared through tears and sobs that she had never felt loved even as a child and though she was most likely loved, she had a hard time believing that she was worthy. Sinful? No, but very damaging for relationships with others as well as God. Through her searching, she had found a sticky dirty place in her heart that I am sure she was tempted to let go. It would be to painful to think about and even harder to clean up. Who would know? I talked to her a few days ago and though layers of that dirt has been wiped away, she has layers to go. With prayer and the Lord’s help I believe she will find even that spot in her life clean. She will break free!

Maybe you do have sin in your life that you have not given to God. No one knows it, no one can see it but year after year the layers of dirt accumulate. Unlike my dirty place above my cabinets which I can clean, my sin needs the Saviors cleansing! His cleansing that can wash us white as snow.

Perhaps God called you many years ago to do something and you set it aside, telling God “I will do that later”. Has this calling accumulated so much dirt that it looks impossible to rescue? Bring it out in the light and give it to God. He will shine it up like new, maybe this time you will heed his call. Maybe he will give you a new one, made for just this time in your life.

Well, after all this thinking, I decided that even though that sticky place could not be seen by anyone except me, I would clean it. I went over it once rather lightly getting no where but then again with a cleaner. Off the dirty film came and I climbed down knowing that all was clean even the places nobody but me could see.

I still have to figure out that whole “Tree in the Forest” thing!

Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7

Monday, September 3, 2012

Deep Roots!

They will be like a tree planted by the water

that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when heat comes;

its leaves are always green.

It has no worries in a year of drought

and never fails to bear fruit." (Jeremiah 17:8 NIV)

Many of the people who live around us have had to haul water this year because of the draught! But our well has never gone dry even in these extreme conditions. It is thought that our well taps into an underground stream that never dries up. This hidden source of water is not effected by the above normal temperatures that ran over 100 degrees many days this summer. Our garden, unlike the trees near the well, dried up even with our attempts to water, our new bushes look like they have succumbed to the heat and grass is brown in many areas of the yard. The trees in the area of above the stream, on our property however have stayed green and never seems to even notice the extreme heat or lack of rain. I thought of this as I read this morning from the Psalms and as I was directed to read in Jeremiah 17:8.

In these scriptures we are told that those who delight in the "Law of the Lord" or the bible, will send out roots to the source of water. For many years I read my bible with the attitude of duty not necessarily of delight. Not that I didn't find delight but more often than not, it was a ritual that I knew was necessary if I was to maintain my relationship with the Lord. I don't know what changed, but I can now say I delight in His words. Most mornings I seek his word as I would seek water on a hot day. I want my roots to go deep to see his truth. The Lord has shown me truths that have been hidden from me and I now delight as if I have found a treasure because that is what they are. If I neglect this time, I find the desert heat of adversity wilting my spirit.

And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden

riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of

Israel, Who calls you by your name. (Isaiah 45:3 AMP)

Out of that love of scripture, came this blog started mainly for my children. In this season of life (retirement) I am able to dig deep, I am not prohibited by a job, or unable due to the constant pull of young children. The Lord has given me this season to share my treasure with those who need fed. My daughters refer to themselves as baby birds with mouths wide open who delight in the morsels I find to feed them. Oh, the Lord is so good!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

"See Ya At The House!"

I have been painting our house room by room for the last few weeks. As I have proceeded mindlessly at my task I have had various media to keep me company. Last night I turned on my old VCR to play some Southern Gospel music. Okay, I have been found out! I love the old hymns they sing with the southern flavor and songs that belong uniquely to that genre. I have my favorite singers as well as my favorite songs. As I looked through my collection, I found one entitled "Heaven". Many in the video described what they thought heaven would be like, mostly based on scripture, but was some based their opinion of what a "perfect" place would look like in their mind.

One said it would be a "complete" place that included the beauty of all the seasons at once. One who sat in a wheel chair, instead of dreaming of walking, dreamed of a place of "freedom" and perfect peace.

Several thought that it was a place where, maybe after a rest, God would put us to work. I suppose if you were a carpenter you would never hit your finger with a hammer or have to re-cut a board. If you were a painter of pictures every color would blend together perfectly or a painter of houses would not need to clean the brushes or the spatters you accidentally dropped on the floor. Cakes would always turn our moist, musicians would never hit a flat note, and gardens would have no weeds.

When my grandson Caleb, a college Sophomore was asked some time back, what he thought heaven would be like, he told of a childhood notion that in heaven there would be a Bob Evans restaurant on every corner. When asked why he would think such a thing, he didn't really know, but when I heard this I recalled that as a little boy he called the "favorite" restaurant of Larry and I "Bob Heavens". I laughed as my granddaughter Cati told him that at least he could imagine a Starbucks on every corner instead of the big red barn that was not at all a place where teenagers would hang out.

When saying goodbye to someone he might not see again, one man would always say "See ya at the house" referring to his heavenly home. I like that! Though many varied about the details of heaven most referred to it as going home. I think that while we are young, we give heaven little thought but as we age there is a seed of homesickness that begins to grow inside each of us. Heaven becomes sweeter and the thought of death loses it's sting. God is so good!

I plan to see all my grandchildren, from the oldest to the youngest, marry, have children of their own and find their place in this world as followers of Jesus. I plan to have pancakes at Bob Evans every chance I get and kiss baby heads as long as my children keep having new ones. I want to listen to Southern Gospel music until my VCR breaks down and raise my hands to "Amazing Grace" for the next thirty years but if perhaps God wants me sooner "See ya at the house"!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

"There's a Promise Coming Down That Dusty Road"

Many times as I go to the Lord in prayer, I love to pray scripture. One of my favorite scripture prayers is when I remind the Lord that "the one you love is sick". Sometimes I mean they are physically sick, it could be emotionally sick or most likely it is spiritually sick. I have stood in the gap for stressful situations when someone was sick with worry, sick with grief or sick of living. When I speak these words they flow from deep within my soul and the depth of my need, puts a desperate urgency in my voice as I plead "Dear Lord, the one you love is sick"! Please come! Sometimes I pray this prayer about myself, though I am sick I remember His love for me.

I don't remember when I started praying this way but I know where the words came from. John 11 tells a familiar story of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. These siblings were dear friends of the Savior the bible says He loved them. Lazarus became very ill so the sisters did the only thing they knew to do, they sent their request to Jesus.

The messenger was to go to Jesus and say "Lord, the one you love is sick"! Notice, it was not the one who loves YOU is sick, the one who serves YOU is sick or the one who preaches about YOU is sick, but it was "the one YOU love is sick! That just amazes me! We sometimes think in order for God to hear us when we pray we must love him but the truth is he loved us before we even knew him. He answers prayer because he loves us.

Jesus did not go right away but waited until Lazarus had died. How disappointed the sisters were that the savior was too late. Sometimes we feel that God has not heard our prayers or doesn't care about our need but as with Lazarus, he always hears our prayers and has a plan to answer in his timing and in his way.

I love a southern Gospel song that has a catchy chorus "There's a promise coming down that dusty road!". Have you ever sent word to Jesus that the one he loves needs his help, only to stare down that dusty road waiting for Him to save the day by arriving on time? Have your eyes grow tired as you strained to see any sign of Him? Me too!

As the story goes Jesus went to Bethany, He wept as he saw their pain and then he did as he had planned! He called a dead man to come forth! Sometimes a miracle much bigger than we know how to pray for is coming down that dusty road. "Lord, the one You love is sick". I find comfort in knowing that we are loved! I find my hope as I strain to see the Lord coming down that dusty road!