Monday, May 28, 2012

Thanks Grandpa!

“Happy Memorial Day, Grandpa, thanks for serving in the Army!” came the voice of our grandson Garrick on the other end of the phone this morning. It’s funny Larry was just Garrick’s age when he served in the army nearly fifty years ago. How young he was when he served in America’s longest and most unpopular war, the Vietnam War. As most know veterans of this war was not cheered by the world because the war was so controversial and unpopular. Yet these young men went anyway.

Larry and I were dating when he was drafted into the army in 1966, I was smitten by this blond headed, tall handsome guy but he being more practical made no commitment before he left. Years later I would find out that he did not think he would ever come back from the war. I visited him at Fort Leonardwood at his Basic Training Graduation, with his brother and mother and even then he was preoccupied with what was to come but he didn’t waver from his duty or complain about having to go.

The night he was to be shipped to Vietnam, the whole fort was put on lock down because of so many going AWOL. At that time many soldiers went to Canada rather than serving and in some ways were considered heroes for not serving in this war. Armed guards were stationed all around the buildings and when they finally were allowed out, guards stood shoulder to shoulder as they filed out to get on the plane that would fly them overseas. This 22 year old, from Decatur, Illinois knew for sure “then” that he would never see the US again but still he wouldn’t have dreamed of running because he felt like this was his duty even if he died doing it. Freedom was worth it, in fact he has always held the belief that anything worth having would be worth dying for.

When he arrived in Vietnam, he was to be a combat engineer in charge of fixing heavy equipment in the hostel jungle terrain but when he arrived, nearly the whole company had been killed so he was shipped to Thailand to work on equipment and stayed there for the duration of his one year stay. If he had arrived a week earlier he would have been among the dead. I see that God, even then had his hand on my dear Larry.

When his year was up, he flew into Chicago and had to hitchhike home, in uniform, with his duffle bag over his shoulder he headed down that dark road. No parades, no welcoming committee no medals but I am yet to hear him complain about doing what he considered his duty. He considered it payment for the privilege of living in this great country. As he stuck his thumb out, to make his way home, some distance to travel in the middle of the night, a semi-truck driver stopped to pick him up. He asked Larry where he was headed and with that the driver says “get in, I am headed there too.” With that, Larry climbed up into the big rig threw his duffle next to him and traveled the three hours home with a stranger. When he got close to Decatur, Larry told the driver to just let him off outside of town and he would find a way home from there but this man insisted he drive him all the way home taking him way out of his way. He took him to his door, and as Larry grabbed a duffle bag and started to get out the truck driver, with tears in his eyes, shook his hand and thanked him for serving his country so he could be free.

As we celebrate this Memorial Day, the Vietnam War has been chronicled on every station since it has been 50 years since its end. As one commentator said these veterans have largely been forgotten until recently. They have been swept under the rug like a dirty little secret. But like my sweet husband, my brother Jon Lee Tyson and my brother-in-law Edward Louis Seaton, there are thousands of good, heroic and patriotic men who served and many died so that we can be free. Give your Grandpa, your dad or brother a call, thank them for their sacrifice and make their day.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wand or Words?

As I sat down in the chair of the beautician a sign jumped out me and frankly scared me. It said, "this is a comb not a wand"! I wanted to ask if the hateful little words were there for everyone or had she just put it out there for me! I guess since my answer to "what do you want done today?" was "make me beautiful" makes me think it was there just for me.

Did you ever wonder why God didn't use a magic wand to create light and dark? Was there even a wiggling of his nose to create zebras, giraffes or coral at the bottom of the sea? Could you imagine stars and planets flying out of a black hat and placing themselves in just the right places? I have just recently thought of how everything that was made was spoken into being. Amazingly, he didn't have to say "I'll get the Angels right on that or somebody send a work order, he simply said "Let there BE" and there WAS! I have read that so many times but I have not let that sink in. Now, here is the incredible thing! He made us in his image and among all the living things he made, he gave us WORDS! He gave us the power of the spoken word. Unfortunately we don't always use our words for good.

The scripture that always makes me uncomfortable is found in James.

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water. (James 3:9-12 NIV)

I am ashamed to admit it, but I have raised my hands in praise at church only to act like the devil when I got home. Been there? Did I plan it, want it or like it? No, but there it was.... UGLY! The verses in James, at first sight left me pretty discouraged. "can both fresh and salty water come from the same spring?". But Lord, is there no hope for this "old salty spring"? Remember, Lord, I was hungry, tired and he HAD stepped on my last nerve! As I kept reading in the same chapter I read that there can be hope in wisdom.

Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. (James 3:13 NASB)

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. (James 3:17 NASB)

What these scriptures tell me, is that if I seek wisdom from above and pray for good behavior, I can have fewer of these ugly scenes. I claim this promise to be more pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering and (what I love) without hypocrisy.

It's amazing that God would trust us with words since they can be so powerful but he did not leave us with such a powerful tool without instructions. He wrote a whole book of instructions, the bible. I wonder if he ever wishes he would have given us a wand or better yet a comb.

For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened. (Luke 11:10 NASB)

Sent from Jeanie!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Words From The Jar!

A few days before Mother's Day my grandson Garrick and his girl friend Soo Jen came out to visit. It was a beautiful morning and we enjoyed these two young people so much. We spent much of the time outside on that perfect, spring morning but when we came in I dug out an old jar that I consider one of my prized possessions. When Garrick was just a little guy in grade school he decorated it with paint and covered the lid with colorful fabric it is beautiful to me but mostly I love what is inside the "ornate" jelly jar. On strips of paper are written, in his own handwriting, little notes that say things like: "I love you", "you are nice" and one that must have been written about someone else, "you are cool"! These strips cut with pinking shears were to be pulled out when I wanted a pick-me-up! And they did what they were designed to do! They brought a smile, thinking about the little hands that wrote the words!

This morning as I reached into the word of God I thought about the one, who the bible says, breathed the words that also made me smile. Today I read from Psalm 139. The first verse starts out:
You have looked deep into my heart, [Lord], and you know all about me. (PSALMS 139:1 CEV)

Don't we all long to be known? In this hectic, sometimes chaotic, and anonymous world don't we long for someone to look deeply into our heart and know us more than superficially and yet love us. In God's own handwriting He says I know you! I know your flaws, I know your talents, I know your sins and I love you!

In the next few verses He says: I know when you rest, when you work and "from heaven" He knows our thoughts and before we even speak He knows our words! That is amazing, since many times I am even surprised by the words that come out of my mouth.

As I read this well known Psalm, each verse was a love note to me! Like Garrick's notes written on bright colored paper, they were penned just to encourage me! Overcome by this great truth, I finally had to say with the Psalmist: I can't understand all this! Your concern and interest in me is far above my comprehension! I love you Lord, and though your love is far greater than I could hope or imagine, I thank you for the love notes!

I challenge us all to look into these eyes of the One who "knows" us, but still loves us! Can you feel His eyes looking deep into your heart?

You have looked deep
into my heart, [Lord],
and you know all about me.
You know when I am resting
or when I am working,
and from heaven
you discover my thoughts.
You notice everything I do
and everywhere I go.
Before I even speak a word,
you know what I will say,
and with your powerful arm
you protect me
from every side.
I can't understand all of this!
Such wonderful knowledge
is far above me. (PSALMS 139:1-6 CEV)

On Mother's Day, Garrick wrote me a text saying: Happy Mother's Day, take notes from the jar today! I did! Thank you Garrick, for the love notes!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Potter's House

In Jeremiah 18, God tells Jeremiah to go to the Potter’s house so he can teach him a lesson. I guess this might have been one of the first “field trips”. When he got to the Potter’s house the Lord asked him to observe the work that the potter was doing. Being a good student, Jeremiah noticed that when the potter made a pot that wasn’t just right, he took the same clay and started over and made a new pot. Then God’s message came to Jeremiah! “Can’t I do just as this potter does?” God told Jeremiah! Just as the potter worked on the clay, I work on my people.”

This scripture gives me great hope because it is saying, even though I might have really messed up He has a plan to make me new! He doesn’t just toss us into the garbage, He recycles! His plan is to make a new vessel, even better than the one I was before. Different, maybe than I was before but of God’s design this time.

I have never been actual piece of clay before, but I can imagine this process might be a little painful! The potter tears down what he has, and starts over. This is what God was telling Jeremiah about Israel, He would continue to work on His people until they were without blemish! No matter how painful the process was.

Sometimes as mother’s of all ages, we think that we have failed! I know some mothers who grieve because they were not Christians when they were raising their children and so they failed to introduce these dear ones to the Lord. There are young mommys who say I had a terrible day with my toddler, I must be a failure as a mom. As you watch your “prodigal” leave your home you might wonder where you went wrong. Did I not pray enough? But this same God who taught Jeremiah a lesson in the potter’s house wants to meet with you too! He wants to explain that God has shaped you into a new mom who is ready to minister to your children, no matter how old they are. He wants to give young moms the patience to work through these “terrible twos” as the Godly mom he created you to be. He wants to shape your prayers and your life to draw your prodigal back to the Lord! He wants to take who we are and make us better!

Jeremiah 18:1-6

God told Jeremiah, "Up on your feet! Go to the potter's house. When you get there, I'll tell you what I have to say." So I went to the potter's house, and sure enough, the potter was there, working away at his wheel. Whenever the pot the potter was working on turned out badly, as sometimes happens when you are working with clay, the potter would simply start over and use the same clay to make another pot. Then God's Message came to me: "Can't I do just as this potter does, people of Israel?" God's Decree! "Watch this potter. In the same way that this potter works his clay, I work on you, people of Israel.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Roses are Red......

Since I have been studying the book "The Power of a Woman's Words" for the last few weeks, it seems WORDS are everywhere! Words come to mind as I sort through my upstairs closet that holds thousands of WORDS. Words that come to mind through pictures as well as words contained in the kid's writings. I have decided to pass my treasured words on to the kids for safe keeping, and as I sort through the years of our lives, I have traveled down memory lane taking in the sweetness as I go! I found a huge pile of Homemade Mother's Day cards that invariably start with "Roses are red and violets are blue" and end with things like "yur a great Mom and I love you"!

As I read through those notes of love, I wondered if my words were always that kind and encouraging, I hope so!

I hope, instead of a "you're a nice girl", I told Christa how I loved her thoughtfulness to others, a trait she still posses even as an adult. In fact, I have been the recipient of her gift of thoughtfulness many times.
Instead of just telling Kelly I was proud of the A she got in writing, I hope I thought to tell her how wonderfully she expressed herself in words. These words that have lifted my spirits many times.

How deeply Nealy cares for those who are afflicted and downtrodden, I hope I verbalized to her about the unique gift she had been given, instead of a broad brush, "you are a good girl". Did I notice this tendency in my sweet child and tell her so? My eyes fill with tears thinking of it even now.

 Missy has always made us all laugh, probably because she had a waiting audience in her big sisters. I hope I remembered to tell her how healing her gift is to those who need the lightness that a laugh gives, especially to me. I know I have told her she is like "sunshine" in a room.

From a very early age, Mendy liked to help out, with no job too dirty for her to tackle. I hope I took her aside and bragged about this particular part of her character that I especially cherished. I can still see her helping her dad with building a porch but I remember those days of coming home to a clean house with candles burning, knowing I could rest in the glow of this child's servant heart.

If ever I was tackling any project, I knew that Nick could sort it out because he was given that kind of mind. He knew how to sort it all out in the best order. Thinking back, I hope I praised him for having that ability that helped me out many times even as he was just a little guy.

If time and space permitted I could go on and on about grandkids but don't EVEN get me started about them.

I hope they know that we are all family, but God put into each of them a uniqueness that only belongs to them. I hope they know that even though I often use words like "The Kids", "The Girls", or "My Family", that I see them individually as the amazing people. Oh how I appreciate the special God given gifts that make them who they have become. I hope I remembered to tell them.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Thank you, my Heavenly Father for letting me be the mother of these you have given me.

Roses are red and violets are blue

You're all great kids and I love you!