Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Dancing in the Dark"

Throughout my time in the church, I have spent most of my service in children’s ministries. I cuddled the babies, sang to 3 year olds and taught bible lessons in Sunday School and Children’s Church. I remember teaching the words and movements to “Deep and Wide” and “Zaccheus was a Wee Little Man“. I can recall the stories I told to the kids using flannel boards with little flannel figures. I remember the giggles I got as I passed out treats and I can still see little heads bowed as we prayed. Sometimes I felt well prepared with visuals to display the great stories of David and Goliath or Jonah and the Whale but sometimes I had barely made it to church with my own car full of kids. I’m sure my harried appearance was apparent to even the youngest of them. The children I ministered to in those days are adults now and for the most part I don’t know what they took from my little Sunday School class. I call that time “dancing in the dark”! Imagine yourself dancing, you twirl around, do the two-step and maybe throw in a little “soft shoe” but when you look out, you see no faces only darkness. You might wonder if they are frowning or smiling, and with only the sounds of your own feet tapping on the floor, you can’t hear the applause or hear their approval but still you dance. Sometimes you might discourage at the silence but God assures you that he still has a plan, so you keep dancing. I remember reading a story of a missionary family who went for years without a single convert but at great price to themselves they continued to “dance” even in the darkness of their trials. They claimed the promise of Isaiah 55:11 word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

As each of these children left my class to go to another, they went with my hopes and prayers. As new student entered my class for the first time, I began my dance again.

As I checked out Facebook one morning I noticed that I had a friendship request. Since I can use all the friends I can get, I clicked and found that a woman named Susan wanted to be my friend. I remembered her as a shy little girl from a great family of the church. She was very well behaved and much quieter than her fellow students. The next day I was delighted to get the sweetest message from her. She caught me up on her parents and a bit of her own life but she then told me something that blesses me even now as I write this. She said that she accepted the Lord as her Savior one Sunday morning in my Sunday School class, as I asked the children to bow their heads and pray. I wondered briefly if it was one of my organized days or one of my disheveled days. But right out of the darkness was the beautiful face of Susan, out of the silence was the applause of angels not for me but for this one who came to the Lord. On that morning, I knew that God’s words never comes back without doing what they were sent to do. It was worth those harried days, those rowdy kids hiding under the table as I gave my lesson, and it was definitely worth my “dancing in the dark”!

Thank you, Lord for the blessing of serving and thank you Susan for sharing at just the time, my feet were getting tired!

Friday, April 27, 2012


I recently read a story of a busy mom who, like most moms of small children, was multi-tasking. She explains, that she was cooking supper after a hard day at work, while at the same time, helping her oldest child with homework in the kitchen. As she tried to juggle two tasks, her youngest came in excited about what happened at school. “Mommy guess what happen at school today” he said excitedly. “What happened, Honey” she asked with head still down helping his older sibling. “Mommy, it was so fun, guess what happen”, he repeated. “What happened, I’m listening” she said without looking up. Taking her face in his little hands he said, “No, Mommy, I want you to “wissen with your eyes”!

In this age of technology, I would guess many children long for someone who listens with their eyes. I know I have an ipad and I can tell you if it is near me, I have to check out what is going on in “cyber world“. I have found myself looking at it while others were talking to me and have had the reverse, I have tried to talk to the top of someone’s head while they searched the net on their gadgets. In a room full of teens you will most likely find 9 out of 10 of them engrossed in these little hand held objects. But unfortunately we adults do likewise a lot of the time.

But way before all these modern gadgets, my kids teased me about being somewhere else while they were talking. They always knew when I gave them an “uh huh” followed by a blank look that my mind was elsewhere. I might have been thinking about what I would have for supper or about a hundred things moms think about. None the less my mind was on something other than what they were saying. I say this to say this phenomenon is not new but might be a little worse, I think, because both listener and talkers are so preoccupied. Through out the bible we are admonished to tell our children about God and His love, his faithfulness and the great hope he has for all generations but will they hear us? Will we have to email them, message, tweet or face book them the great news? I think we will have a better chance of sending our message if we start to “wissen with our eyes”

The dictionary says to listen is to make a conscious effort to hear. To pay attention to something and take it into account. (Wow, how often I don't listen)

To “wissen” is to stop what you are doing, look that child in the eyes as if they were the only person in the world and pay attention. No matter our age we long to be known. Let them know they are known by you and by their Father in heaven.


The living, the living--they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness. Isaiah 38:19

We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:4







Thursday, April 26, 2012

Color Me Beautiful (With Your Words)!

Several years ago there was a lady in our church who was a "Color Me Beautiful" representative who used me as a model to show off her wares at one of our "Ladies" meetings. "Color Me Beautiful" is a company who specializes in finding just the right colors for you, putting you into one of four categories. You could be a summer, spring, fall or winter according to several criteria. I loved being the "model" as she applied just the right makeup to enhance my natural coloring. She had several colors of cloths that she wrapped around my neck, and low and behold, colors mattered. Some gave me an odd coloring not at all flattering, while others seemed to light up my face. Through trial and error, it was determined that I was a "winter". Noting my "season", I went on my way after thoroughly enjoying my evening.

Several months later, as I came out of church feeling quite spiffy in a new dress that I had gotten for the spring, I was accosted by a very angry woman. It was my "Color Me Beautiful" consultant. With a tone like I had committed a crime against nature, she told me through clinched teeth that I was a "winter" not a "spring" and the color of my new dress was definitely wrong on me. After her huffy, not so "Beautiful", departure, I smoothed my "spring" colored dress, flung my "winter" colored head back and laughed. As the only one who had witnessed this confrontation and my inappropriate, even scary laugh, my ten year old daughter asked "Why are you laughing, didn't that make you mad? That lady was so mean to you! While still full out laughing, teeth showing and mouth gaping, I calmly explained "No Honey, it didn't make me mad, you just have to laugh at something so silly."

I laughed but let me just say those words rang in my ears every time I looked in my closet and was tempted to wear that dress again. In fact, someone got a great bargain when they bought that very gently used, beautiful, peach colored dress in my garage sale!

Why! Because words do matter!

I am doing a study on the power of our words and I find that the bible has a lot to say about the words that pass our lips. My example above caused little damage but all of us can remember words that did hurt so bad that we still feel the sting. Fortunately there has been words that lifted us and gave us courage to do great things. I want to encourage with my words, how about you?

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. (Proverbs 25:11 NIV84)

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. (Proverbs 11:22 NIV84) JUST SAYING! (last two words mine)

Now, back to that laugh, I just figured out where I heard it before. It came from a green faced witch, (evidently wearing the wrong color), who was chasing Toto with her broom! Scary!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's it all about Alfie?

I have been watching a couple of old people for awhile now and I notice their patterns of life seldom change. They get up at the same time and go do bed at the same time everyday. He on his side of the bed and her on her side of the bed they settle in. On his side of the bed is a glass of water to wet his dry mouth and on her side a tissue to dab her wet nose. The snoring becomes so loud, he has to wake her to have her turn over. They rise now with a build in alarm clock, usually the aches and pains from the long night. Six o’clock, hip pain, seven o’clock back pain, seven thirty…. Other forces take over! Whoever arrives in the kitchen first puts on the coffee and lets the dogs out, he makes his way out to get the newspaper. Coffee is done so both settle in their perspective places to read while sipping. He, usually being the first one up to get on the computer, offers to refill her cup as both enjoy the second cup of jo! She hollers in to see if there is any news of the kids or grandkids on Facebook. He fills her in on all that is new. Tuesday is garbage day, so out they go lugging a weeks worth of trash. HELLO! ARE YOU STILL AWAKE? I am only on Tuesday!

Many years ago, when I was a new Christian, I came across the book of Ecclesiastes one day and had to share it with Larry. We wondered what in the world this book was doing in the bible. By the second verse the author was saying “Vanities of Vanities all is vanity!” Other versions of the bible say “Futility, futility all is futile”, the NIV says “Meaningless, Meaningless all is meaningless”. Wow, can anybody say PROZAC!

Most people think that this book was written by King Solomon, son of King David when he was an old man. I think the wise King Solomon must have experienced one of those "Tuesdays" in his life. I think all of us has such days when, as we from the sixties, might ask “What’s it all about…Alfie?“ Unlike Solomon, most of us have never had the money or the opportunity to search for that, at times, elusive happiness. Most of us have dreamed of….. “If I had a lot of money I would……! I would do good things for people! Solomon did that but it did not bring him lasting happiness. I would travel, yep that would be me! Solomon did that, nope no lasting happiness there either. I would get wiser, go to great places to learn all I could learn….uh uh, Solomon says “Been there, done that!” “All is MEANINGLESS”! In fact, Solomon is the ultimate “Been there, done that!“ Now how could that be?

Sometimes I wonder if about a million dollars fell from the sky would I come back saying as Solomon “I did all I could do, under the sun” but all is vanity? The phrase “under the sun” is found 29 times in this small book hiding between Proverbs and Song of Songs and is found nowhere else in the old testament. “Life under the sun“, means life here on earth apart from God. Solomon found himself with all of the latest gadgets, the best chariot that money could buy and everything he could gather from the world's best but still he bemoaned Ah, I think I see what Solomon was trying to get at in his, not so happy book! We must stay focused on the giver of gifts not the gifts. We need to find Him in the adventures of life as well as the “Tuesdays” of life and never let go of the fact that all is MEANINGLESS, MEANINGLESS apart from God.

Oh, and that poor old couple I spoke of earlier just got a message from one of their kids asking “What’s going on with you guys today?” to which a swift reply went out….. “Got my hair colored pink to match the new Harley we bought and Dad and I are on the way to get piercings and a tattoo! No word back on that yet! Can we all say NURSING HOME! Have a great day everyone, UNDER THE SON!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gone to the Dogs?

How do you approach a problem? I was amused a few days ago when I watched our four dogs handle what they perceived as a problem.

As I sat watching over the peaceful scene from my prayer chair, I also had to look at my companions who stretched out around me. If dogs smile, they were all smiling. It was one of those beautiful days that we received as a bonus this year. Not a cloud in the sky, a soft warm breeze, and the sun seemed to be almost singing chords of delight. Suddenly I caught movement in the distance at our neighbor’s house. Daisy our Boxer, was up on her feet first, hair standing up on her back but uttered only a friendly whoof I could barely hear in the direction of the intruder (neighbor on his own property). That began a chain of comical events in our happy group. Peppy, our mixed breed, cleverly called a ChaWeenie jumped to his feet hair standing tall making him look much bigger than his normally small frame. Not knowing what was going on, he began to bark in high pitches in the other direction with all his little might. This triggered Rocky our Blue Heeler to run off, as usual, searching for birds, since that is his official, self-assigned “job” to protect us from any bird that would land on our premises. You have to understand Rocky never looks in front of him he always looks up, eyes focused on the sky. Lucy our “designer dog“ Cavapoo, who had been sitting on my lap decided Rocky was on to something and chased after him, which caused even more excitement in the camp. Peppy quickly chased them both, thinking they knew where they were going. Meanwhile, Daisy, after assessing the situation sauntered back to sit with me occasionally letting out one of those half-hearted barks which only perpetuated the problem as the others ran in circles trying to see what was happening. Finally, fearing the worse, Lucy headed back, ears flapping, tongue out, and jumped into the safest place she knew, my lap. Whatever it was, she knew I could handle it.

Unfortunately, I could see myself reacting to my problems in the same ways! Sometimes I worry about things that are not even problems. Sometimes because others are worried, I worry too. Then other times I don’t even see a real problem coming because I have spent my energy on things that never happened. Oh, how God must watch me in disbelief as I puff up thinking I can take care of things on my own. Why do I forget that it isn’t until I run back to the safest place I know that I can rest. He even says, “If you have a heavy burden” bring it to me,” He says “do not be anxious about anything”!

Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
Philippians 4:6-7 Message

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7)

Now, I will say that my Lucy, even after jumping on my lap, did shiver and shake a bit but she knew she was in the right place and after a few minutes rested calmly. I sometimes do the same even after I have given my worries to God but after years of practicing, I have gotten better at it. I am realizing that He never fails me, no matter how big or how small the problems are I can trust Him because He loves me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pedicure from a Servant

Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them with the towel he had around him. (John 13:3-5 NLT)

A couple of years ago, when our family was together, my daughter Christa decided we should have a mani/pedi party. That's when we all give each other a manicure and a pedicure. She came in with all the equipment she needed to get the party going. She had nail clippers, nail files and not to be forgotten nail polish. She plugged in the foot massager filled with warm water and started the festivities. We first sat down with our feet in the water which was heavenly in itself but then she pulled her chair up with a towel on her lap, took each foot and used her special lotions to make us feel like royalty. It started with just us girls but then the guys (Shane in picture) got in line too. Foot by foot she worked her magic, foot by foot, oohs and ahs were uttered. She gave a gift that only someone with a servant's heart could give.

As I look at each day of this Passion Week, with the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, chasing the money changer from the temple and the Sermon on the Mound, we now come to what is called Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday. Most would recognize this day as the Last Supper of our Lord. The bible tells us that after they had eaten the Passover Feast, Jesus got up and washed the feet of his disciples.

As I read the scripture, I discovered something I had not noticed before. It said in effect, Jesus knew where he stood with God the Father so he became a servant and got up and began to wash the feet of his disciples. Did you get that? Jesus was confident enough in who he was in God's plan, to lower himself to serve. Are we confident enough to be servants or do we go by some other measurement? The Pharisees of that time were more knowledgeable than anyone about the scriptures, would they have bent a knee to wash the feet of this motley crew? No! The disciples themselves were jockeying for a special place in the kingdom, would they have offered to fill a basin and wash the feet of their brothers? Probably not! Sometimes we serve with our knees bent, along with our elbow, patting ourselves on the back. We all tend to look at who we are in the eyes of the world instead of the eyes of our Lord.

Ouch, that hurt! As I go into Easter, my fervent prayer is to be so confident of my place in God's plan that I will move ego and pride aside and will have a servant's heart. Who am I? I am a child of the King, I am the one that God made plans for even before I was concieved and I am why God sent His Son to die on the cross. I think that should give me the security I need to serve others.

Maundy means “a new commandment” as found in John 13:34-35

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Christa, I am ready for another mani/pedi party!

Sent from Jeanie!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gertrude McFuzz

"I am your Creator, You were in my care even before you were born" Isaiah 44:2

We are in New York right now enjoying our two daughters, our wonderful sons-in-law and of course our three grandkids. We actually made the trip this time to see Allison, our granddaughter, perform in her high school play. Not to brag, but she was wonderful! Well, okay I am bragging! With all the singing and speaking parts I can't even imagine how hard she must have worked to pull it off so perfectly.

As most parents and grandparents know, this is such a special, and fun time when you can see your kids do something special. All of us were just beaming with pride. I rattled on about how beautiful she was, how perfectly she sang and how absolutely perfectly she played Miss Gertrude McFuzz!

I couldn't help but think of how I would have felt if she would have tripped and fallen over her big yellow shoes or forgot the lines that Gertrude spoke. Would I have turned my back or pointed out her failure? You know the answer! NO, because I love Allison so very much and nothing could change that fact. Underneath the blue feathers, the bright makeup and the big yellow shoes she wore, beats the heart of Allison our sweet granddaughter. I know that God probably chuckled at Gertrude McFuzz but he cheers and celebrates Allison Smith! Angels in heaven sang in a great chorus, as she accepted the Lord as savior. When she seeks truth in Him, when she becomes who God planned her to be, and as she becomes more and more like Jesus there is a standing ovation in heaven.

When it comes down to it, we all in some way play a part out there in our world. We seek success and might be known for our position in the world. Perhaps, you are cheered for your great intelligence, or applauded for your rise to the top rung of the latter. Could it be that we do great things for the Lord or we personify "Super Mom"?

As good as all these things are, God looks at our heart. Who are we if all the things we do and try to achieve is stripped away, like theatre face paint? Under those blue feathers, bright makeup and yellow shoes does your heart beat for your creator? If you forget your lines, can you still feel His love for you? Your Heavenly Father planned who you would be even before you were conceived. He watches as you don your blue feathers, he helps you as you fall over your own lines and gives you a heavenly hug as he helps you to your feet even if they are yellow tennies. He smiles when you smile, and He cries with you when tears streak your beautiful makeup. He gives you a standing O, when you do His will and hands you a bouquet from his garden when you obey his commands.

My, my, my Gertrude McFuzz ain't show biz great?

Sent from Jeanie!