I just heard those words again, the ones I have heard nearly everyday for forty two years "What's for supper?". Sound familiar? When we were first married, Larry went out and bought two weeks worth of frozen meals right off the bat. Thinking that was a bit strange, I cooked them and did pretty well until I left the paper on the pizza which made it very hard for my unsuspecting, new husband to chew. It’s funny in all the time we knew each other before we were married he had never asked me how I cooked. I could have told him, had he asked, I didn’t! After that first few weeks I slowly learned to cook things other than frozen meals. Larry likes to tell a story (greatly exaggerated I might add) about some biscuits I made from scratch that were so hard we threw them out to the birds. The story goes, according to Larry, they couldn't fly after eating the rock hard biscuits. In fact, as he elaborates on the story, if they tried to fly they would immediately drop from the sky. As the months went by, I was starting to be a decent cook but there were those days that when Larry asked "what's for supper?" it was because he couldn't tell by looking at it.
Slowly but surely my cooking improved and "what's for supper?" took on a whole new attitude. It would, most of the time, come with a "ummm" something smells good, words I loved to hear. Eventually, supper came every evening like clock work and for the most part was edible but they still always asked "what's for supper?"
As I go to my bible to study God's word, many times I go hungry! Heart hungry! I often ask my Lord "what's for supper?" What do you have for me to feed my hungry soul? At those times I need to sit with Him and sup with Him as scripture tells us. In reading in the Psalms today I came across a verse that I loved because in the Message version it mentions supper.
Yes-I, God, chose Zion, the place I wanted for my shrine; This will always be my home; this is what I want, and I'm here for good. I'll shower blessings on the pilgrims who come here, and give supper to those who arrive hungry; (Psalm 132:13-15 MSG)
Doesn't that thrill your heart? It does mine! Think of it, God says I'll shower blessings on you, if you come to Me and if you come hungry I will (get this) give you supper! Oh, fellow pilgrims, do you feel loved? I do too!
Sent from Jeanie!