I just heard those words again, the ones I have heard nearly everyday for forty two years "What's for supper?". Sound familiar? When we were first married, Larry went out and bought two weeks worth of frozen meals right off the bat. Thinking that was a bit strange, I cooked them and did pretty well until I left the paper on the pizza which made it very hard for my unsuspecting, new husband to chew. It’s funny in all the time we knew each other before we were married he had never asked me how I cooked. I could have told him, had he asked, I didn’t! After that first few weeks I slowly learned to cook things other than frozen meals. Larry likes to tell a story (greatly exaggerated I might add) about some biscuits I made from scratch that were so hard we threw them out to the birds. The story goes, according to Larry, they couldn't fly after eating the rock hard biscuits. In fact, as he elaborates on the story, if they tried to fly they would immediately drop from the sky. As the months went by, I was starting to be a decent cook but there were those days that when Larry asked "what's for supper?" it was because he couldn't tell by looking at it.
Slowly but surely my cooking improved and "what's for supper?" took on a whole new attitude. It would, most of the time, come with a "ummm" something smells good, words I loved to hear. Eventually, supper came every evening like clock work and for the most part was edible but they still always asked "what's for supper?"
As I go to my bible to study God's word, many times I go hungry! Heart hungry! I often ask my Lord "what's for supper?" What do you have for me to feed my hungry soul? At those times I need to sit with Him and sup with Him as scripture tells us. In reading in the Psalms today I came across a verse that I loved because in the Message version it mentions supper.
Yes-I, God, chose Zion, the place I wanted for my shrine; This will always be my home; this is what I want, and I'm here for good. I'll shower blessings on the pilgrims who come here, and give supper to those who arrive hungry; (Psalm 132:13-15 MSG)
Doesn't that thrill your heart? It does mine! Think of it, God says I'll shower blessings on you, if you come to Me and if you come hungry I will (get this) give you supper! Oh, fellow pilgrims, do you feel loved? I do too!
Sent from Jeanie!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Supper Time
Thursday, March 15, 2012
For as long as I can remember, I did think myself very ORDINARY. I joked one time that if I was a body part I could be an appendix, if I was a flower I would be a dandelion or if a bird certainly I would be a sparrow. There is certainly nothing wrong with dandelions, sparrows or even an appendix but then those things are all ORDINARY. But as a mom, I didn’t want to be ORDINARY. I guess because of the importance that I placed on my roll as a mom I wanted to be GREAT, INSPIRING and an example the preacher could use in his sermon on Mother’s Day but I found myself falling way short, in my estimation.
I wanted to lead my kids spiritually but found my attempts to bring a devotional everyday at mealtime usually fell apart somewhere between the spilled milk and the “emergency trip to the bathroom” that someone always had to make. I thought if only I had taken the time to cut out some felt figures to demonstrate the beautiful stories of the bible the kids would listen better. I wanted to pray with the kids before bed but found that many times at night they or I was too exhausted to get it done. I prayed for wisdom to always do the right thing but again failure seemed to plague me. I prayed for my kids often but felt like a failure because I wasn’t on my knees for hours. I remember hearing a story of a woman who actually wore calluses on her knees from praying so long. “Boy, would I love to have that dedication,“ I thought longingly. If my knees were callused it was from mopping up spills off of the floor.
At one point I must have had twenty “How to get organized” books from the library hoping I could be a better mom if I was more organized but I was quickly discouraged when I practically had to take a loan out to pay the over due fines.
Yep! I must face the fact that I was an ordinary mom. No special talents, no special qualifications and no particularly great skills but I did have something that was special. I had a special love, not just for kids in general, not for my neighbors kids or not for kids in far off lands. I had a special love, a calling from God, that was anything but ORDINARY. I loved each of my kids in a way that was tailor-made just for them. God had trusted me to love these children as He loves us all, his precious children. The bible often says he knows us and has known us even before we were born. He knows how many hairs are on our heads and knows our every thought. Surely ORDINARY doesn’t describe our Heavenly Father, and I am confident that ORDINARY doesn’t come to His mind when he thinks of us Moms!
My “kids” are all grown now and I don’t think they probably remember all the ways I failed but I do believe they know how much I love them. And so through my love maybe they got a glimpse at our Heavenly Father’s EXTRAORDINARY love.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
The Coughing Goat
One day I ventured out to start my day, and headed for the barn, my favorite place to play. I was sure the stray cat that resided there had surely had her kittens by now. Before I could reach the old rickety building, I was stopped in my tracks at the most horrible sound I had ever heard. The sheep that normally meandered mindlessly in the pasture, bellowed as if they were being murdered. Wide eyed I watched as one sheared sheep after another was released minus their wooly coat, scared and bloodied from the ordeal.
The thing that saddened me most was the fear and confusion on their faces (if sheep have faces) they didn't know where to go. I wanted to help them but they were lost in their own fear. They needed a leader! They thrashed in desperation until they heard a baaa that came from the old coughing goat. He became their leader and immediately feeling they were safe became calm.
The bible talks of sheep, many times in context to their need of a leader or a shepherd. It is pretty well known that sheep are not too smart and it is even thought that they have poor eyesight. Now a girl could take offense since humans are often compared to these wooly creatures. No the bible is not saying we are wooly, stinky critters that graze on grass but that many times we don't know which way to go. Sometimes our eyesight fails us and we can't see past ourselves. Unfortunately, sometimes, we turn to an old coughing goat instead of the good shepherd to lead us.
My heart was recently saddened as someone told me of a co-worker, a one time successful man, who has become a shell of that man due to the ravages of drug addiction. It is thought his downward spiral began when he and his wife divorced. I can almost see this dear one thrown out bloodied, fearful and confused only to turn to the wooing of the coughing goat instead of the Shepherd. The drugs soothed the hurt for a time but eventually stole everything from him.
The bible says we have all gone astray, like sheep and need a shepherd. Many times I, not knowing which way to go, have put my confidence in someone or something unreliable. When I turn to anything other than God's truth, I run after the coughing old goat. Sometimes I listen to my panicked emotions rather than the truth found in God's word. I run amuck afraid of everything rather than praying to the Shepherd who can calm those fears.
If you, dear one have gone astray and do not know which way to go, remember the Good Shepherd knows His sheep. He is there to comfort and calm you, forgive and guide you?
For "you were like sheep going astray," but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. (1 Peter 2:25 NIV)
"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— (John 10:14 NIV)
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. (Psalm 23:1-4 KJV)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Image O' Green
March always takes me back in time and makes me laugh at the memory. I was a seventh grader and in my minds eye I can still see the old gym that separated the boys from the girls a place we gathered before school started and after lunch. If you were brave enough you could take your shoes off and dance to the fifties music in your socks on the gym floor. (Sock Hop). My seventh grade friends and I were not that brave, so eighth grade girls seem to take the floor for the most part. Many of us just enjoyed watching the boys do hilarious things like making obnoxious noises with their hands in their arm pits.
One day in March my good friend Darlene and I went to the five and dime store, which had a great display of St Patrick's Day items and there we hatched what we thought was a brilliant plan. For the next few weeks we watched the boys across the gym and our little hearts thrilled as we talked about our plan. We had bought ourselves shiny green hats, a couple of ties to wear around our necks, and sparkly party horns to blow on our arrival into the gym. We had our heads together for several days leading up to this grand holiday, dreaming of the attention that we would receive with our gaudy get-up. We giggled when we thought perhaps we would capture the heart of one of the boys on the other side of the gym, which had only recently became something other than yucky! We planned just when to come in, how to blow our party horns and just the right place as to be seen but the one thing we didn't do was check the calendar. You guessed it! March 17th fell on a Saturday that year. Suddenly our shiny hats had lost their beauty, no neck ties would be worn and the silver and green party horns seemed to mock us with their obnoxious sound. There we were, once again just plain ole us, no glitter or gaud and in our minds, no chance to catch the attention of the elusive males. Again I was that awkward seventh grader who towered over most guys, no green hat would cover my unruly brown hair and my teeth would still seem too big for my face. My self image plummeted!
I revisited this time in my life as I thought of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, in the book of Daniel. Ole Neb decided to build a grand statue, of what it portrayed the bible doesn't say, but it was an image that stood 90 feet tall and 90 feet wide and was made of gold. At it's completion he called together the important people of his time, he wanted them to see his brilliance at building such a magnificent structure. On top of that he said that every time the band played people were to bow to it. Can you imagine the ego boost the self absorbed king got when everybody who was anybody bowed to his gaudy statue?
One of the studies I read suggested that when we try to be something we are not, or try to give the impression that we are better than we really are, we are image building. Am I always myself or do I put on my green top hat to impress certain people whom I might deem important? Am I real? Interestingly, one author actually brought up that if we have gained a reputation of being "real", make sure we don't become fake at being real. This struck home for me because I want to be real, I want to be authentic and I want to believable. Romans gives a model to follow, an image of which to conform. It says God has always known me and has sent Jesus as an example of an image that we might copy.
Praise God, I don't have to wear a gaudy green hat or build a gold statue of myself but I can be conformed to the image of God's son and be considered one of many brothers and sisters. Could I ask for anything more?
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. (Romans 8:29 NIV)
I love the Amplified Version that says; into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness]. Roman 8:29b
If inwardly, we are like Christ, then outwardly we need not be anything else.
Yeah! Green was never my color!
Sent from Jeanie!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Two Sisters
Has God ever given you an answer while you were still praying? Have you ever thought the answer was yes but you are yet to see the results?
As I have been studying Daniel, many things have jumped out at me that I plan to share at some point but today I bring you something that touched my heart to the core.
Daniel a man of integrity, was praying as he usually did three times a day. He was praying for the sins of himself and for his people Israel, and as he (Daniel) tells it, while he was still praying, the angel Gabriel came to him and said "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you begin to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you for you are highly esteemed."
There have been a few times in my prayer life that I was fully convinced that God had answered “Yes” to my prayers. But if I may, I would like to share this story of two sisters.
We had been praying for my daughter Christa for a long time but her health continued to decline, threatening to take her life on a few occasions. Larry and I took her to Minnesota to Mayo Clinic as a sort of last hope for her to find an answer to her many health issues. As we drove those hours to get there, this emaciated young woman felt every mile because of the constant pain that racked her body. As parents, our heart broke as our love overflowed for her and we feared the worse. Meanwhile, my other daughters were praying and even set up a prayer vigil around the clock made up of many people that purposed to pray for Christa for the week that we would be at Mayo. Those prayers would bathe us with God’s love for the entire time we were there. As we checked into the clinic, Christa could only go from one wheel chair to another and could hardly stand on her own. Being concerned about her condition doctors were planning to have her admitted so that traveling from one specialist to another would not be so taxing. She had no appetite even though we tried to entice her with the great food in that area. Because of the extensive wound care that she had to do each morning, on the second day we wondered if we could even get her to the clinic. With courage and determination, she willed herself to make the trip a few miles away to start the day of tests and doctors. As the day went on I began to see a new energy in her. Instead of having to almost carry her she had more strength. I wondered to myself “who is praying in this half hour slot”? Thank you, God! Our first hint that prayers were being answered when she turned down the wheel chair to walk on her own. When we were through with the first day of tests, we took her out to eat and guess what? Her appetite had returned and she was strengthen by the nourishment that she took in. Unbelievably, she was to gain fifteen pounds in that one week. Next morning and for the rest of the week, her mood was cheery and it seemed the last few years of pain was erased from her countenance. Thank you God!
Mayo Clinic is a great place and I would recommend it to anyone but my daughter received very little help from them. As the week went on, I could see that indeed her healing had begun, not from doctors and medicine but from the Lord. From that day on she began to get better. While we were still praying our answer came! Praise God!
I remember when as a family we gathered around my daughter Nealy and prayed! I felt God’s presence as many prayed for her healing! While we were praying God’s answer was given, it was also a “Yes”. We, as well as she expected things to go smooth and we were all waiting for evidence of a great answer to prayer. Recently, Nealy and I visited that time of assurance and wondered why she had not made great strides as we had all expected. “I was so sure, Mom” she said through tears. I wanted to be the wise mom and explain away her hurt but I too wondered. As we had put our hands on our sweet Nealy, there was more faith and love than could be measured but here we are, though encouraged by small victories, waiting for the answers to “why” it wasn‘t immediate!
I believe God in his goodness gave me answers while I prayed and sought insight and understanding in this matter. As I continued in the book of Daniel I found that this man of God was not to see the “answer” fulfilled in his life time but would only get glimpses of it. As believers we are to walk by faith not sight, we are to trust God and take him at his word. I believe with every fiber of my being that “while I was still praying” God sent an answer concerning my daughters, these two sisters. One saw action immediately another more slowly but none the less, to me the answer came and I claim His precious promise of great deliverance for the both of them. Everyday I see small signs that God is indeed interceding in Nealy’s life. Praise God for His word to me. We are esteemed and loved by God, isn’t that amazing?
While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill— while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the word and understand the vision: (Daniel 9:20-23 NIV)
Sent from Jeanie!