I love Southern Gospel music even if that makes me “un-cool”! I like it’s folksy, real life lyrics and I could almost dance to their joyful tunes. Actually I am almost sure David danced to Southern Gospel music! Today I am reminded of a beautiful song sung by Jason Crabb called “Sometimes I Cry”! The song tells how in life, even a life dedicated to God, we find ourselves lonely and hurt. Sometimes in our attempt to protect the reputation of God, as if it needs protected, we smile and don’t let people know that we also experience the pain of this world. When asked, “how are you”? we smile and tell everyone we are fine when maybe our world is falling apart. Maybe we have had a dry season spiritually and have become so thirsty our tongues are parched. We actually long for someone to dip their finger into the cool water of Christ’s grace and touch it to our tongues but yet we stand tall not wanting anyone to know our weaknesses or our struggles. After all, we reason, they might get the idea that God hasn’t met my needs or maybe they might see my imperfection and wonder what kind of God I serve. Then as the song goes “we stumble over our own disguise as we try to look strong!”
I know for myself, I never share with anyone about my chronic depression that I don’t go away feeling like I might have let God down, some how. Shouldn’t Christians always be happy and cheerful? What will they think of my faith when I share that there are days it is hard just to get out of bed? Some days I am a mess! There are times when my prayers seem to go no higher than my head and even precious words from the bible ring hollow. There are times I fall down and ask "why" and question Almighty God. “And when I fall down, when I fail no matter how hard I try.” How many will sign up for this Christian life, when I look like a……human being suffering all the same things as everyone else.
At these times, my heart cheers at Hebrews 4:15-16
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Chorus: “Sometimes I Cry”
But sometimes I hurt, sometimes I cry
Sometimes I can’t get it right
No matter how hard I seem to cry.
Sometimes I fall down
Stumble over your own disguise
I try to look strong
As the whole world looks on
But sometimes alone I cry.
Beautiful and so true! I am grateful for my high priest who understands my weaknesses!