Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cat Herders, Saddle Up!

As the morning sun streamed through the dining room windows, I was happy as a clam. I had my coffee, my iPad and precious ones around me. My daughter checked her email from work as my granddaughter and grandson checked out facebook, I opened my latest bible study book and began to jot down scriptures that blessed my heart. I was in New York state for a baby shower for my youngest daughter, what could be better? And I wrote as much! I thought of that scripture that talks about having a quiver full and the blessings that having a big family brings. And I wrote that down too! As I came up for air and a swallow of coffee, I noticed that like me all three heads of those who had joined me for coffee that morning were down as well. Their minds immersed in the words that came across to them on iPhones, smartphones and like me iPads. This is the age in which we live! By the sliding of a finger across a screen the outside world opens up to us. Believe me I am not pointing fingers I too had entered that world and it wasn't even 8:00 o'clock yet!
The table vibrated signaling that my husband's phone had a text message, I opened it to a message from my "very pregnant" daughter saying "what's our plans for today?". A message was shot right back, "we'll hurry and get ready, come for coffee"! I had to laugh, thinking of the "hurry" part of that message that had gone out into cyber world. Being the mother of five daughters had taught me well. Herding cats would be easier and faster, but this day had to begin soon as we needed to prepare for the baby shower. I quickly jotted down in my study book how blessed I felt, even herding cats.

As I think on this scene I smile, but I regretted some things! I regretted not looking eyeball to eyeball and telling my grandkids how much their very presence meant to me as I sipped my coffee, I regretted not sharing how happy I was to be their grandmother and how blessed by God I am to be a cat herder of a full quiver!

I write lots of things, everywhere and on anything including my ipad, but I pray written words found after I'm gone will not be my only legacy. I pray the seeds of God's love are planted in the hearts of all my grandkids as well as the generations to come. I pray those who come after will remember my devotion to God and my love for them and give God the glory! This day I am reminded that we must be purposeful in passing down these things.

Listen, dear friends, to God's truth, bend your ears to what I tell you. I'm chewing on the morsel of a proverb; I'll let you in on the sweet old truths, Stories we heard from our fathers, counsel we learned at our mother's knee. We're not keeping this to ourselves, we're passing it along to the next generation-God's fame and fortune, the marvelous things he has done. He planted a witness in Jacob, set his Word firmly in Israel, Then commanded our parents to teach it to their children. So the next generation would know, and all the generations to come. . Psalm 78:1-7 Message

Okay round 'em up, this cat herder is in the saddle again!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

Matthew 18:2-5

I have read Matthew 18:1-11 many times and have gotten various things from it, according to what God had for me at the moment. Most of the time my heart sought simplicity! How should I believe? Jesus said "become like a child"! Wow, that sure cuts away a lot of junk! It comes right down to, if my father said it, whatever it is, believe it! A great lesson in any situation! Praise God!

Today, I started to wonder about that child that Jesus took in his strong arms that day. Did that precious one always remember that day? Instead of a name, was it "hey! there goes the kid the savior lifted into His presence to teach a great lesson.". That's the one!

What kind of an adult, grew from this special child! I could imagine this little one having the notion that there could never be a more important place to be, than standing next to Jesus, no matter what life from that point would throw him. I tried to imagine how I as a child would have reacted to being thrust into the spotlight and standing next to Jesus. How would my life be different?

The Bible study I am doing now is "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore and boy does is take you deep into your past to break free from anything thing that might hold you from going into the future free of baggage. As many of you, I have a grand set of luggage that I have been carrying. The question was asked; "was Satan trying to ruin you"? I said yes, isn't he always? Next question: "Why didn't he?". At that I could almost here Jesus whisper "YOU ARE THAT CHILD I PULLED UP TO MYSELF THAT DAY"!

Never give up, you are also "That Child!

Hey, there goes that kid!

Sent from Jeanie!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stiff Necked? Me?

Photo by Mendy Smith Mendy's little gem Ruby Lulu and her mother!

Have you ever had an argument before church, have you ever gotten up on the wrong side of the bed and slid into every manner of irritations? I just had one of those Sunday's. My hair didn't do well, I had bags under my eyes that would have taken cement instead of make up to cover it and besides that my husband Larry and I had issues! Neither of us were singing #147 in our hymnal "This Is The Day The Day Lord Has Made",even if He had!

You have to know my husband, he remembered to turn out the lights in the labor room before he left on the day he was born! He always puts things away after using them. It just comes natural to him, how creepy is that? According to him, he NEVER forgets to put new toilet paper on the roller! Precious, isn't it? Well, to make a, not so happy morning, worse, he decided to give me more reason to be cranky! He summoned me to let me know he was going to show me how to do something...... Are you seeing where this going? Yes, he had decided it was time I learned to put the toilet paper in it's proper place! Uhuh, you can guess howTHATwent!

For all that "it comes natural" about him, nothing comes natural to me but the stubbornness to ignore that man when I am RIGHT! To top it all off I had to go into the church with a smile and sit next to Mr Right! I love the magnet I have on my frig that says "when I married Mr Right, I didn't know his first name was ALWAYS! Is that scriptural?

Luckily, when we got to church I was delighted to see the preacher was speaking about marriage, I was hoping he would learn something!

After the sermon, I was sure my husband and the preacher was in cahoots. Mr Right even had the nerve to give him a thumbs up a couple of times! Okay, let's see how he likes the silent treatment on the way home. Can you all say wth me? "When Mama Ain't Happy Ain't Nobody Happy!". I surely need a magnet that says that. As I carried out Larry's "punishment" something came to my mind that I tried to shut out. It was a church sign, that said "A stiff neck usually holds up an empty head"! Whoa, Lord, don't forget his snarky attitude when he "showed" me how to put toilet paper on the roll, like ye ole perfect one does it! Let's see what other magnets can I place..........? Huh? Not me Lord I have NEVER been stiff necked.........stiff necked means stubborn and that's just not me! If any one........ Okay, Lord maybe I have been like those ole Israelites who complained all the time and worshipped the almighty magnet......... I mean Golden Calf! Self-pity Lord? I guess that could be me too, but, but, ........!

Hey, Honey I love you and.....and we probably should stop by the store, we're out of toilet paper probably those out on the ground aren't any good anymore!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hey, Can a Girl Get Some Help Here?

Hey! Can a girl get some help here?

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34, 35 NIV)

Last night as my Granddaughter Riley and I came up to the house after a weenie roast, she as always, wanted to play on my ipad. After telling her where it was I took a forbidden bite of cherry delight left over, while no one was watching. "After all," I thought, "I had stuck to my diet all evening and what would one bite hurt?" As soon as that delicious morsel hit my mouth, I went into a coughing fit, or as was diagnosed a few years ago “paradoxical vocal fold disorder”. It is a long name for “your vocal folds will close allowing no air to come in but no worry, because after you fall to the floor “as dead” you will indeed start to breath again”. Did you like the way I shortened that up for you? I coughed a few times, only to cause my vocal folds to close even tighter, so absolutely no air could pass. I talked to myself, “remember what you were told, just relax!” If I would have had the breath to laugh I would have? LOL! Riley finally returning with the ipad, was playing “Angry Birds”. She glanced my way and I’m guessing, as a six year old, didn’t think the peculiar color of blue I had become by this time was unusual. If I would have had air to talk, I would have told her that she could be a hero on the 10:00 o’clock news for saving her grandma, if she would put down the ipad and call 911!

As searing pain spread across my chest , my head began to throb all I could think of was good I’m going to pass out and then I will start to breath again, BUT I thought "maybe this is it!" Maybe when people see may picture in the obituaries the will says “Oh so young”! More than likely they will say things like "by the picture, looks like she suffered for a long time." They would probably hurry to the end to see if I fought a long battle with a terrible disease, not knowing I had fought a very short battle with cherry delight! As brain cells died from lack of oxygen, I wondered if Larry could fit the huge pan of chili into the frig or would he remember to get my precious cat Krekels in. Once I thought maybe I could call 911 myself but I didn’t know Morse Code because by now I wasn’t even gasping. If I could have gotten to my will, I would have scrawled “don’t give Riley my ipad, give her my big cotton underwear”!

I did think about going to heaven and in my oxygen deprived mind, that was looking better all the time.

I was finally able to get enough air out to say “get your Mom” to that came a “HUH”! And about that time my daughter came in, as I could get out a few breaths, I sucked air for a few minutes and started to get better. Just having someone near made me feel better! She didn’t understand exactly what happened but she was there! She wasn’t preoccupied with an iphone, Mac or an ipad! I had gotten her attention.

This morning as I rushed to the computer to share my story, in vivid color, I thought about those out there who suffer in ways that they can’t explain. In our busy world and lives, how many have those scars hidden away, that I wrote about a couple of days ago? How many cannot speak because the very life is being choked out of them by oppression, depression or desperation? How many of us “fiddle while Rome burns” or play Angry Birds while grandma dies? Oh, sorry just had to throw that in! I pray today that the Lord makes my senses aware of the hurting. May I linger long enough to hear hurt in their voices, I want to see in their eyes trouble that may be tearing their family apart. I want to be available to help and most definately show them the One who can show them the way. To be honest, most of feel like we are in a vice grip ourselves and life is squeezing the very life from us. We don't alway understand every situation but we can be there for them in their time of sifting.

Lord, give us courage and strength to help our brothers and sisters! Oh, and grandmas too!

I have had fun picking on my sweet Riley but you have to know she is one of my most precious blessings! I will leave her my ipad when "I go" but hopefully an updated version!





Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Every Scar Has a Story!

John 20:24-26

A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."

If you look very closely right next to my left eye on my nose, you will see a tiny little scar. Like every scar, it has a story. I'm not sure how old I was at the time but I know not more than 4 or 5. I remember what happened as if it were yesterday. Being a dog lover, I guess, from birth, I remember mistakenly trying to pet a little dog that lived at a house where we were visiting. Since I have "flashbacks" when I see a Boston Terrier, I assume that was the breed of this, not so happy with life, dog. When I reached to rub his cute little head, his cute little teeth planted themselves on my nose right between my eyes. It seems like he hung there for hours until someone noticed my fate! I guess if I would have been smart, that incident could have ended my relationships with dogs altogether but it has never effected my love for dogs, even though the scar stands as a reminder of that fateful day!

Scars always have a story, if you don't believe it sit in a group of "us" seniors, when we start to share our surgery stories. I have seen more scars in those settings than I ever wanted to see. Anywhere from gallbladder scars to hip surgery scars every shape length and width. Lest I not pick on just seniors, I also heard and told many scar stories at my daughter's baby shower, it seems baby showers are the perfect place to share old "battle scars" and child birth stories.

Some scars cannot be seen as well because they lie deep within our hearts, hidden sometimes for years. They all tell a story, but because of shame, guilt or the shear fear of feeling vulnerable we hide them away so no one can see them. The scars of betrayal, abandonment, or even our own sin lie in the darkness of our hurt.

Dear One, to bring them out and give them to our Healer, would not only benefit us but could help our fellow sufferers. So just as the disciples recognized the resurrected Jesus by His scarred hands and feet, others will recognize the Healer by our scars.

I recently read an excerpt from Sharon Jaynes book and loved what it said about scars:
In "Your Scars are Beautiful to God"' Sharon takes us on a journey to discovering peace and purpose in the pain of our past by rejecting the lie of disqualification, resisting the fear of rejection, and releasing the power of our own personal stories. Learn to see your scars through God's eyes - your scars are beautiful to God.

In other words don't waste a good "scar story" use them to help others to heal! They are diamonds in the rough in God's economy, invest them in the kingdom!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Duck the Pucks!

This post was written while I was in Scottsville, New York the home of my favorite ice hockey goalie. You probably wouldn't recognize his name (yet) or see him on ESPN, but to me he is great! He is my grandson Keegan and I am amazed at his tenacity and fearlessness on the court as the little, spherical shaped pucks flies at him like rockets. We were taken back after looking at his shattered knee guard that received a direct blow from a flying puck. This demonstrated to me the velocity and speed that this small object is hurled at none other than our Keegan. To see our Keeg in his padding you would believe him to be huge, he wears a "catcher" which is leather glove that is the size of a bushel basket, a helmet that is just as big, and leg pads that make his otherwise, slender legs, look like tree trunks. In the other hand, he holds the hockey stick, a stick different from what the other players used, designed just for goalies, to defend the goal that he tends. The little round pucks come at him at lightening speed and it is his job to dip, dive and stop the puck and keep it from getting past him and allow the opposing team to score. He uses every part of his "armor" as the "enemy" flies at him!

I couldn't help but think about how troubles sometimes come to us like that puck, fast and furious. Temptation is hurled at us at every turn with the intention and potential to shatter our lives. Standing without protection, we endure the pain, we are battered and bruised until many times, we succumb to the enemy. The bible tells us that we need to put on the whole armor of God. We need the protection that only God can give us.

It is not always popular to suggest that the enemy, the devil, is scheming to, and has all intentions of winning! When I say winning, I mean winning our soul, that is his ultimate goal. In fact the bible states very clearly that we are under attack and we need to put on our protective gear!

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:10-17 NIV)

We can't make it my dear friends without God's armor to protect us. We need to put on His truth, His righteousness, His peace! We need to be confident and have faith that He alone can get us through this battle that wages everyday for our souls. We need to wear our salvation boldly, and be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit!

So gear up and beware of flying pucks! I love you Keegan Tanner Smith!