I love those games where you try to find hidden objects and boy have I been playing the most challenging game I have ever played! While looking for tomatoes I came across a green ugly tomato worm! It was so ugly I gasped when I found him, as my face was just inches away. With further examination, I could see that our tomatoes vines in many places were completely bare of leaves. I wondered how that one worm, although it was huge, could eat that much! I walked around the tomato patch looking for the rest of the "army" who had riddled many of our green tomatoes as well as the plant itself. I found none! As with the popular game, I knew they had to be there but my eyes were not seeing them. I took another loop around and finally, I find another, then another and yet another! Oooooh! Since they cannot be pulled off the vines, I broke the vine to extract the "so ugly only a mother could love" horned tomato worm! These critters, I read, eat continuously! They voraciously consume the green plants at record speed. As I collected the things, I needed to dispose of them so naturally I called my husband! All I can say is, the bottom of my husband's flip flop was the last thing these devils saw! Not to be too graphic, green goo flew! He was full of what he consumed and when pressure was applied (via flip flop) that came out! (on flip flop)!
I know it might be a stretch, but I see this scenario played out with people especially Christian people all the time! (stay with me here). Frankly when Christians have a little pressure applied, what comes out of them is not always "Christian"! I wonder sometimes, what they feed on. Do they voraciously consume His word or do other things suit their appetite? I know if envy, strife and hate are constantly on the menu, that is what I spew forth! Anger, if not properly handled, can fill a heart so that nothing else can come in. The Bible says don't let the sun go down on it! Self pity seems to be my meal of choice lately, what good will that do me in times of trouble? When I have filled my heart with "poor me", where will I find strength, courage and truth? I know that the time is now to change my diet before it is too late!
I say don't wait until a big “flip flop” (or the burdens of life) crush you on every side, start to fill yourself with those things that are of God!
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:8, 9 NIV)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Watch Out for the Flip Flops!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
A man finds joy in giving an apt reply--and how good is a timely word!
Proverbs 15:23
"RECALCULATING" said the annoying woman who lives in the little box on the dash of our car! Oh, how I dislike that woman with her judging tone and smarty pants attitude. Just that one word (recalculating) can set my teeth on edge like a "not quite ripe" persimmon.
Words! They can build up or tear down, they can instruct, encourage or bring pain? Words can fall on deaf ears, or be taken to heart. If you are like me, you have tripped over your words and most unpleasantly, I have eaten many!
As I write this blog, I am very aware of my words! I want them to say what I want them to say, I want them to be accurate as to the interpretation of the bible but mostly I want them to be words given to me by the Lord.
Some days when I write, it seems my fingers can’t type fast enough and the words come easy, other days I cut, paste and rephrase a “million” times. Those are the days that I would like to be Jeremiah, who’s mouth God reached out and touched and God said “Behold I have put my words in your mouth!” As I prayed today I prayed just that, not only as it pertains to writing but as I talk to others, let my speech be uplifting. May it be lovely like golden apples in a silver basket! May it always be pleasing to the Lord!
A man finds joy in giving an apt reply--and how good is a timely word!
Proverbs 15:23
Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket. Proverbs 25:11
Samuel is another one in the bible that I would like to pattern my speech after:
The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of Samuel's words fall to the ground. (1 Samuel 3:19 NIV)
I can only wonder about Samuel’s words. Were they wise? Did they glorify God? Apparently all were used to honor God! I think maybe Samuel was know for his wisdom, for his honesty and for his close relationship to God, so that no words came from his mouth that were not used to help others and glorify the Lord!
Today as everyday, I really do need to “recalculate” to see where the Lord would have me go with my words. As Jeremiah, I need and plead for the Lord to touch my mouth so that His words would flow from my mouth. As Samuel, I want to be known for wisdom and a oneness with God, that my words could be used to bring glory to my Lord and Savior!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Lloyd and Floyd!
Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
In the phone department my husband and I are way behind times. We have cell phones that are at least 3 years old, I’ve lost track. As I listened to the phones of my kids, I had to laugh at the deep, robot sounding voice that said “DROID” every time it rang, so I decided to name our phones “FLOYD” and “LLOYD” and my son-in-law who has one just like them, I call his “BOB”! So when we are all together, Floyd, Lloyd and Bob get a lot of fun poked at them! I marvel at these people who write a message in nothing flat on their tiny little keyboards because my “Floyd” does not have a keyboard but the old fashion numbers that you have to push 2 times to get a B, 3 times to get a C, 1 time to get a T and so on! When I write a message I try to make it pretty short since it is so time consuming to write a message of any length. Little tidbits like…. R u ok? Home yet? I haven’t quite caught on to all the shortcuts but kind of make up my own like “love u” “praying” and “HUH?”. As I walked out to the Prayer Chair today I craved conversation with the Lord! It seems like for a couple of weeks I’ve been sending Him text messages on my Floyd. I often said, “Thank u Lord” when I was blessed or “Help me Lord” when I was stressed but it had been awhile since I took the time to really get into a conversation with Him. The kind that is two ways, I talk, then I listen! It was a thirsting for His presence that I had felt anew as I walked out to alone with him! Oh, I knew he was with me, I talk to Him all the time but it is kind of like it is with texting my family on my Floyd, there is no way to replace hearing their voice or seeing them face to face! Larry and I get our best talking done when we take a walk or sit out back in the evening, when we take time to focus just on what one another has to say! It takes time to have a good relationship with others and especially with our Father!
All through the New Testament, we find that Jesus Himself prayed to His Father!
Matthew 14:23 tells how he went up to the mountainside by himself to pray, staying until evening all alone.
Mark 1:35 says that very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to pray.
Luke 5:16 tells us that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray.
Jesus knew how important it was to get alone with His Father even if it meant getting up early or going to a mountain side to be alone with Him. It’s not that He or we shouldn’t pray constantly like my “text messages” on my Floyd but we as Jesus need those special times to really get close with the Father! Those alone times when we bare our soul to the Father who waits for us to meet with Him!
So r u ready 2 find some time with the Lord? lol
Monday, August 15, 2011
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.
Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift?
the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows
are the children of your youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents,
with your quivers full of children!
A pilgrim song (Psalm 127:3-5 MSG)
For the last several days our house has been filled with our kids and grandkids but today the quiet is so very noticeable because everyone has gone back to their own homes. The range of emotions has run from hilarious laughter to those awful tears that come with saying goodbye. We ate at their favorite restaurants (Monical’s Pizza) and Krekels, they played at Scovill Gardens and visited the two Grandma's houses. Rook, Dutch Blitz, and Balderdash brought teasing, hooting, hollering and much laughter. We shopped for nursery curtain fabric for my grandson (due in November) and sent another grandson off to college. Our extra beds were filled as well as pallets on the floor! The baby bed held our sweet Jenna, our youngest granddaughter and behind my couch was a make-believe "fort" made with blankets, that Riley and Jenna played in for hours! My back porch was stacked three deep with shoes, slipped off as each one came into the house. These shoes belong to many of the people who I love most in the world! Though I am still catching up on sleep I missed, I ponder the blessings that are mine and thank God for his goodness! Life is rich when my back porch is piled high with shoes!
I don’t know if I will have a grand mansion in heaven, but no matter, as long as I have a back porch and a pile of shoes parked there!
Sent from Jeanie!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Heirloom or Hybrid?
Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come. Psalm 71:18
This morning I went out to the garden, which needed my attention, even if the temperature was already 91 degrees! I picked cucumbers, squash and peppers and then looked longingly at the tomatoes! Nope, not yet! For several years now we have planted “Heirloom” tomatoes which are harvested later than the hybrid varieties but they are well worth the wait! According to the dictionary an “heirloom” is something of value passed down to ones heirs. Sometimes it is passed down for many generations. That is how these tomatoes got their name because some of these varieties have been passed down for many generations. Hybrids on the other hand will not be passed on, in the same way because they do not reproduce. Actually, because of this, there is a seed bank somewhere (it's a secret) that keeps these seeds “safe”. One of my favorite heirloom tomatoes is the “Radiator Charlie’s Mortgage Lifter”! Radiator Charlie’s real name was Marshall Cletis Byles and he was quite a character. The story is told that he produced this special tomato, and was able to sell the seedlings for a dollar each and made enough money to pay off his mortgage. He passed these seeds down to the next generations who still sell and profit from these seeds.
In my devotional today, the question was asked “what do you fear the most?”. I’m sure my answers were much like anyone asked that question but the one that stands out in my memory today is “I have a fear of not sowing enough seeds that I can pass on to my heirs”. I ask myself, "did I use every opportunity to tell them about my Lord?" Did they see God in my life? As good as being a “hybrid” sounds, I do not want to be like one who does not reproduce what I have learned by living and walking with God. When years have gone by and someone picks up an old, dusty, and faded picture of me, I want them to think of me as one who passed down the seeds of the "good news" to those who came after me. My prayer is that generations to come will profit from the seeds that I have sown and give God the glory for his goodness! I want there to be generations of “Nihisers” who love and serve the Lord until He comes and gathers us up as a true precious heirloom!