As we took our walk today, we came upon a familiar sight. “FROGS”! They become road kill every year for the sake of love! Every year it happens, the frogs from the pond behind us crawl out of the water to mate, unaware of the high mortality rate for those who cross the road. I never fail to remember the first year we lived here at Frog Time! Our Grandson, Keegan was 3 years old and was so fascinated with the frog drama! His mission was to save the frogs and so he donned a towel for a cape and called himself “Frog Man”! As we walked down the road he would take each frog and carry him to the side of the road to save them. I laugh every time I think of him one evening after a bath he wanted to go out to save the frogs and his mother explained that he had just had a bath and she didn’t want him to get dirty. With all the sincerity he could muster he explained “Don’t you think the frogs want me to be clean when I rescue them?” This young man took his job very seriously since he was “Frog Man”!
A few days into later, after all of the frogs had been saved, he decided that he wanted to be “Bible Man”! Fortunately he still had the cape from when he was “Frog Man” so it worked out well! I remember sitting in a restaurant talking with this, thoughtful beyond his years, three year old when he asked why do people do bad things, don’t they know Jesus? His Grandpa agreed that no they probably didn’t know Jesus if they do bad things! Why doesn’t someone tell them about Jesus? At that, Bible Man came up with a plan! He would take his Bible and show people what it says about Jesus then they will be saved and not do bad things anymore! How right he was, people need to know Jesus and we, like Keegan need to tell them.
You might think that going from Frog Man to Bible Man was a stretch but if you think about it, is it? Frog Man set out to save these unsuspecting frogs from certain death while they aimlessly wondered into the road, while Bible Man wanted to proclaimed the gospel to everyone so they could be saved, no more to wonder. Frog Man carried his frogs to the other side of the road so they would be in the right place and be safe, while Bible Man, through scripture carried people to the safety of Jesus’ arms so they could live with him forever and be eternally safe! The Bible tells us that we must go into all the world and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, so as for me, I want to put on my cape and head out to bring salvation to lost souls like Keegan saved lost Frogs.
It’s hard to believe that Keegan is a teenager now and probably wouldn’t worry to much about frogs but I hope he will always have the desire to bring the life saving message of salvation to the world around him. I love you, Frog Man